CIG is now testing in the Tech-Preview channel. Stanton starting off with 2 DGSs (Dedicated Game Servers).

The player cap will start off at 200, and then they will be ramping it up during some focused player testing at these times:

Saturday - DGS Per Mesh Increase Playtest: 2-4 PM CDT | 1900-2100 UTC 
Discord formatting in your local time: <t:1711220400:f>

Sunday - DGS Per Mesh Increase Playtest: 2-4 PM CDT | 1900-2100 UTC 
Discord formatting in your local time: <t:1711306800:f>

I would expect to see at least one test with 400 players… and maybe if things are stable they’ll test out even more.

Server recovery is enabled. So, if one part of the system crashes, players on the other end should be unaffected (based on how this worked out during the Pyro playtests). If both servers are down at the same time, I suspect that this is when you will actually get a 30k error and get kicked back to the menu.

Big note here:

**PYRO will appear on the drop down for locations but make sure to select Stanton as Pyro will not function*l

There is also an issue where crossing from one server to the next causes you to drop out of quantum (most likely if the other server is experiencing a server error and is in the middle of recovering).