Why are people down voting news stories about things they disagree with? This is objectively an event that has happened regarding an influential person and a serious armed conflict.
This post is at -2 right now. Is this story posted in the wrong group? Fake? Sensationalized?
We can’t just “vote away” world events.
I don’t normally upvote news stories, but did this one because of your comment ❤️
Did I personally downvote it? No. But I get why people would.
Isreal has been caught in so many bald-faced lies that at this point, in spite of Hamas’ history of being absolutely horrible people, we’re still forced to step back from every single claim made about them now and say “But did they really?”
Even if the claim is true, the decision to focus on reporting about specific, morally reprehensible actions by Hamas is a deliberate choice that serves to obfuscate and distract from the sheer unbelievable scale of the atrocities that Isreal is committing and has been committing in Palestine for decades.
Do I find the claim believable? Absolutely. But we have to step back and interrogate the intention behind making it. This is an attempt by the Biden administration to control the conversation, because they know that voters are pissed at them for their unflinching support of Isreal, in spite of their endless litany of war crimes. They’re not willing to give up that support, so instead they have to find any way they can to turn the conversation away from what Isreal is doing.
This is propaganda. Whether it’s true or not, its purpose is to control the way people think about the choices their government is making. And that’s why people are downvoting it.
The point is that this was an informative post about something I don’t like. So why would I downvote it?
Think of it like this. If there was a massive tsunami somewhere and somebody posted a link to a solid news report on it, up voting it is saying “thanks for the news” NOT “I am pro-tsunami”.
What’s funny is that they want us to simultaneously believe that these are religious zealots that are so dedicated to their holy book that would die to uphold the laws set out in it but they also openly violated one of the major laws (rape) it specifically forbids just to “own the Jews”. If one Hamas member saw another raping a woman, they’d have license from their holy book itself to execute that person on the spot. There’s almost no crime in the world of Islam more severe than rape. Look it up.
They probably did… so did Israel soldiers during the past 70 years towards Pallestinian women.