Is there anyone here who has actually gone on a “Tinder” date? What was it like?
Is there anyone here who has actually gone on a “Tinder” date? What was it like?
Yes, if you promote the idea of victim groups… you will naturally have more victims. Simple logic
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
My intent to post it was how some many people regardless of the time in history or today are really living in horrible conditions. And I will never understand how some people get so upset over the nerve that someone would have a different opinion than them. Do they really think Utopia is everyone thinking the very same about every issue.
I can understand how you can be in such a horrible financial situation that you are forced to live in your car or worse on the street. If that was me I would surely be looking for booze or drugs to escape my horrible reality. With all the taxes we pay, people in that situation should be housed in a nice shelter ( we are paying enough for it) and given a job. The goal is to support them till they have enough money to afford their own apartment. If they were on this road to recovery they would have no valid excuse to do drugs
It’s clear enough that with the 2 slices you get a cock but what is a “snake cake”?
If you let them get high they will steal. They have to so they can buy drugs and get high. There will be victims. You might be one of them
Sad how low our society has sunk. Don’t put drug addicts into confined rehabs. Better to enable their addiction which results in crime.
Seriously are there people out there who don’t OVER tip when the weather is horrible but they still get their delivery?
thanks for your reply.
Agreed. I specifically made the post for those who are permanently banned and miss some of their hobby groups. I’m not so special that they reinstated me without having changed their policy, so others should try it.
I actually don’t know if you are allowed to have multiple accounts. I have never tried it. What exactly are reddit rules on multiple accounts. I could definitely see how many people would want a vanilla one for using it at work vs. anything goes at home
Totally agree. It’s just an arbitrary exercise as to whether or not an Admin who gives a crap actually considers your appeal
Great post and made me laugh. But also reminded me of those desperate guys who actually think they could hook up with someone real on a porn site
I realize that I have some mental issues, but I’m sitting here trying to figure out even with pushing the cheeks as far apart as possible would I actually be long enough to penetrate
When I posted it I of course saw the ass. But I felt that the outrange of a bastard pulling teeth that were healthy was the real reason for the post. Alas I was wrong. Forget the teeth lets move right along to the ass
thanks for that I feel better now. Still wish we could get more participation in hobby type groups
My comment means nothing if you don’t first accept that I am non political. With that in mind I will never understand screaming “source” as an issue. Something is either true or it isn’t. Media sources treat undeniable facts based on their leaning. Both sides do it. If the fact doesn’t confirm your agenda you ignore it. If it pushes forward your agenda you highlight it. We should all know that going in. It’s not a hard concept. If you read something in the Washington Post you have to know that they are left leaning. The New York Post is exactly the same thing but on the right. Whether you are on the right or left you cannot deny that there were times when something you read in your “approved” sources was subsequently proven false. And you also have denied things reported by the other side that you subsequently were forced to agree was true.
Try thinking about it as a sports score. The reality is Yankees 5 and Red Sox 4. But a “news” source that favors the Red Sox has the headline - “Red Sox hold their own against Yankees”.
I read both sides and remain politically neutral. I think too many of us are political zealots as if either political side actually cares about us. Trust me they don’t. And of course we all know that my opinion stated here will be downvoted because who am I to have an opinion that differs with yours. (My comment is not directed personally to OP but to everyone in general)
Young people were much more confident and independent back then