• 183 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I can understand how you can be in such a horrible financial situation that you are forced to live in your car or worse on the street. If that was me I would surely be looking for booze or drugs to escape my horrible reality. With all the taxes we pay, people in that situation should be housed in a nice shelter ( we are paying enough for it) and given a job. The goal is to support them till they have enough money to afford their own apartment. If they were on this road to recovery they would have no valid excuse to do drugs

  • My comment means nothing if you don’t first accept that I am non political. With that in mind I will never understand screaming “source” as an issue. Something is either true or it isn’t. Media sources treat undeniable facts based on their leaning. Both sides do it. If the fact doesn’t confirm your agenda you ignore it. If it pushes forward your agenda you highlight it. We should all know that going in. It’s not a hard concept. If you read something in the Washington Post you have to know that they are left leaning. The New York Post is exactly the same thing but on the right. Whether you are on the right or left you cannot deny that there were times when something you read in your “approved” sources was subsequently proven false. And you also have denied things reported by the other side that you subsequently were forced to agree was true.

    Try thinking about it as a sports score. The reality is Yankees 5 and Red Sox 4. But a “news” source that favors the Red Sox has the headline - “Red Sox hold their own against Yankees”.

    I read both sides and remain politically neutral. I think too many of us are political zealots as if either political side actually cares about us. Trust me they don’t. And of course we all know that my opinion stated here will be downvoted because who am I to have an opinion that differs with yours. (My comment is not directed personally to OP but to everyone in general)