The sole concept of having a political option whose basic program, purpose and goal is NOT to allow everyone equal rights, is nothing but WW2 german Nazism and should be met with contempt, disgust, unacceptance and SEVERE resistance, even violent one if necessary.
Equalizing such option with any other (left?) option whose goal IS to provide everyone equal rights - is also nothing but intentionally shaming and devalueing that (left, socialist) option and intentionally supporting the Nazism option.
Whether posts, such as this one, come from being (politically) illiterate (as almost 55% of USA is below 6th grade literacy, which puts them in the cotegory of huge crowd of useful idiots) or simply because one is (momentarilly) safe from being endangered by any political stream, is trivial in the matter.
This is not the issue of politics. It is the issue of common sense.
The sole concept of having a political option whose basic program, purpose and goal is NOT to allow everyone equal rights, is nothing but WW2 german Nazism and should be met with contempt, disgust, unacceptance and SEVERE resistance, even violent one if necessary.
Equalizing such option with any other (left?) option whose goal IS to provide everyone equal rights - is also nothing but intentionally shaming and devalueing that (left, socialist) option and intentionally supporting the Nazism option.
Whether posts, such as this one, come from being (politically) illiterate (as almost 55% of USA is below 6th grade literacy, which puts them in the cotegory of huge crowd of useful idiots) or simply because one is (momentarilly) safe from being endangered by any political stream, is trivial in the matter.
This is not the issue of politics. It is the issue of common sense.