Recently I have decided that the backup solution I have been using is far too complex for my family to figure out when I die. I began writing documentation on how they can access photos, videos, documents and so on. In that process I thought, I gotta make this simple.

I’m thinking of just having two 10TB drives in RAID 1 on my desktop that get backed up to Backblaze via restic. Backblaze and similar cloud storage providers can send you a copy of your data for recovery. I think I can sufficiently document this process.

Has anyone else come up with a similar process?

    10 months ago

    All of our data is backed up 2N+C - two NASes and an encrypted rclone in S3. This includes family videos, photos, and all “paper” records (Paperless-ngx for the win).

    I’ve documented my homelab in Joplin, and stored all my homelab passwords (and Bitwarden password) in a Keypass database. Those files are stored on a USB stick in our household safe, along with a printed letter instructing my wife to pass everything on to one of my brothers.

    The first half of my homelab manual details how to return our smart home to un-smart. The second half contains detailed technical data on how my entire home network hangs together.

    I’m currently thinking about some sort of dead man’s switch, where copies of the letter and files from the USB stick are auto-emailed to my wife and both my brothers in the event I don’t check in for a period of time - say two weeks or so. That way, should the house burn down with only me in it, my wife will still be able to get to all of our records and memories.

      10 months ago

      Un-smarting our home is indeed my current concern if I would pass suddenly. It’s mostly usable manually but most switches would continually try to connect to WiFi and mqtt. I rather hope have my teenager son be able to take over if need be. My passwords could be accessed by my wife anytime but I’m not sure she realises it, it would be to be documented.