Personally, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I knew it was going to be quite the experience before I went for the first time‡ but it was so much fun I had to keep going back bringing friends each time.
It’s still a fun tradition to do though we haven’t done it since last year, we’re probably going to try and go again in a few weeks.
‡ I had seen it many times before going to see it in theaters for the first time.
Bladerunner 2049. I saw it five or so times in IMAX.
Ohhh I’m so jealous. That’s my favorite movie and unfortunately I missed it when it was playing in cinemas. Such a gem and the soundtrack is amazing
Original Star Wars as a kid. The whole summer. 13 times. Have probably watched it more times since on streaming.
Nostalgia is a drug.
Saw Star Wars 26 times in the theater