Your comment started quite the debate here. Everyone needs to slow down and realize there’s insurance on the machine and the insurance even covers morons with guns. Might the insurance company go after her? Sure, they’d probably sue her homeowner’s insurance, because when in doubt that seems to be what happens. They’d never go after the individual for this, unless it was maybe intentional.
Hospital goers will foot the bill regardless, because that’s what we do here in the good old US of A.
Your comment started quite the debate here. Everyone needs to slow down and realize there’s insurance on the machine and the insurance even covers morons with guns. Might the insurance company go after her? Sure, they’d probably sue her homeowner’s insurance, because when in doubt that seems to be what happens. They’d never go after the individual for this, unless it was maybe intentional.
Hospital goers will foot the bill regardless, because that’s what we do here in the good old US of A.