• BlanketsWithSmallpox@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Eating massive amounts of what amount to useless food items is rooted in Pica for most ND.


    Considering he used to eat paint chips and other shit and got lead poisoning from it, yeah lol.

    Eating nothing but empty calories when you’re hungry is a pointless endeavor that only denies others from using lettuce later. Eat something that will satiate your appetite. An entire head of iceberg lettuce does not. Which is why you’re hungry again in an hour.

    Want lettuce? Make a salad. Finding a lettuce wrapper surrounded by pop cans and candy wrappers just shows that what you’re eating is terrible lol. There’s only so much a multivitamin can do.

    When you’re an adult and want to eat nothing but junk and have your inhouse case worker give you another speech for the hundreth time, go ahead. Until then, it’s the parents job to try to instill those good habits.

    Want to eat whatever you want with your own money? Go ahead, spend your allowance or find a job. Until then, eat properly because there is plenty in the house to be able to.

    Finding every tomato eaten in a day or an entire head of lettuce gone after you started making sandwiches is frustrating as hell lol. Let alone the gnats after from trying to hide all your evidence.