Someone recently posted a hot tip about adding "before:2023" to Google web searches and I forget who it was but wow what a huge difference it makes. So thank you to whoever that was. It gets rid of so much AI-generated SEO crap.
I often just get 0 results on ddg, or I know that I should get a specific one and don’t (e.g. recently I tried to find the painting “in a Roman trattoria” by describing it).
Every time I switch to DDG I’m constantly discovering things that I can’t find because they just don’t pop up in the results
Maybe I’m having a stroke…but…
I assume they mean something like:
Every time I switch to DDG, I tend to discover things that I can’t find on google because they just don’t pop up in googlee results
I pronounced googlee as “goo glee” and it was fun
I often just get 0 results on ddg, or I know that I should get a specific one and don’t (e.g. recently I tried to find the painting “in a Roman trattoria” by describing it).
Google always had to come to the rescue
Ddg, what is the definition of insanity?
They may mean unable to find again?