The full power of next-generation quantum computing could soon be harnessed by millions of individuals and companies thanks to a breakthrough by scientists at Oxford’s Department of Physics guaranteeing security and privacy. The advance promises to unlock the transformative potential of cloud-based quantum computing and is detailed in a new study published in Physical Review Letters.

In the new study, the researchers use an approach known as ‘blind quantum computing’, which connects two totally separate quantum computing entities – potentially an individual at home or in an office accessing a cloud server – in a completely secure way. Importantly, their new methods could be scaled up to large quantum computations.

    7 months ago

    Limited, but there might be a few. Generating the best route between two locations might be one.

    There’s some stuff at medium sized businesses that would be useful, like how to pack a box most efficiently. Or many boxes in a truck.

    Maybe some fast sorting algorithms, or compression? Not sure if there’s algorithmic efficiency to gain, there.