Because the law drops the hammer on them BIG time.
Hell, activists use to spike old wood trees marked for clear cutting back in the day. This would cause the saw blades foresters would use to explode in their face, in fact George Alexander, a millworker, was severely injured when a saw blade shattered after contact with a tree spike and cut his jaw in half.
Because the law drops the hammer on them BIG time.
Hell, activists use to spike old wood trees marked for clear cutting back in the day. This would cause the saw blades foresters would use to explode in their face, in fact George Alexander, a millworker, was severely injured when a saw blade shattered after contact with a tree spike and cut his jaw in half.
George Alexander would then form a band, drop two hits, then write for other artists away from the limelight.
Oh wait, that’s Gregg.
I thought he conquered the eastern Mediterranean, Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia in a remarkably short period of time.
His name is Jason Alexander, he only played a character named George.
I thought no one was prosecuted in that case.