I’m looking for a FOSS email client for desktop. (Windows and MacOS, for now.)
Using Airmail or Mailbird as references, I’m looking for a client with some of these features:
- A clean, minimalist design
- A left-side toolbar as a narrow band, icons only.
- Bonus points if it can schedule an email to send later.
I’m familiar with Thunderbird and there’s a lot to like there, but design-wise, it’s pretty cluttered, IMHO.
Does anyone know of a FOSS desktop email client that looks clean? -OR- Is there a way to change Thunderbird’s layout so it looks/functions more like Airmail or Mailbird?
Thank you!
Maybe Mailspring or Geary might be something in the direction you are looking.
There are also mutt and neomutt.
I personally have been using the latter for years, but it requires some time to setup and tweak until it fits your purposes.
Documentation is top-notch though, and customizability a first-class concern.
Betterbird is good, not really minimalist but worth a try…