I’m installing windows 10 right now and even though it’s not required to activate it, I’d rather do it until I can.
I’ve googled quite a bit about it and there’s no complaints, but I’d like an additional confirmation by the piracy community here.
I appreciate any opinion
MAS is open-source meaning anyone with the skill can verify what the powershell code does. This does not mean it’s absolutely safe and trustworthy but does give it a big plus.
(the way I understand it is that) It also uses a loophole in the free upgrades from older win versions to 10/11 to get you a valid license from Windoze servers directly - it is not a keygen or cracker.
So, I will vouch for MASgrave but care has to be taken to download it from the official site/repository.
What about the Office license that you can get from MAS? Is that also using a loophole?
No, that one uses a patched DLL.
windows 10 iso are not available for download, so I used the one from MASgrave, dunno if I did something wrong. By the way, apparently my notebook had a HW license already lol
You mean this isn’t available to download; https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO
Or something else?
mhh, I already installed everything downloading from MASgrave website, do you think those ISO are dangerous? This is version it-it_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_49ddadb6.iso (Windows 10 consumer 22H2 Italian)
What I linked is the official ISO from M$
Yes they are. Downloaded 22H2 ISO Thursday at work. In fact, with the correct script, every single Win10 ISO is still available to download, all the way back to the very first version.
I read this on MASgrave and got scared “Windows 10 download from https://www.microsoft.com/software-download isn’t recommended because it uses an ESD file to generate ISO and that process sometimes may generate corrupt ISO which can not be verified with known checksums.”
I’d like to know if the ISO masgrave distributes are considered safe, if the script they make is considered safe then I’d tend to consider even the ISO… I wouldn’t like to reinstall everything again (besides I already put sensitive data on it like passwords and stuff)
Did you verify the ISO checksum?