He’s the face of why ya gotta vote. All the DNC trickery in the world woulda meant nothing if y’all turned out on primary day with the same energy y’all spend on cursing everyone else for doing it and not voting for him.
He coulda won, by a landslide, and he didn’t because he deserved better than his own supporters.
The issue wasn’t that people didn’t show up. There was record turnout for a primary race. The issue was concerns about electability. The talking heads kept repeating incessantly that Biden had the better shot at beating Trump. It was complete bullshit based off polls, but people believed it. Beating Trump was the top priority with policy taking a back seat. The position we are in now is the universe’s sense of irony.
The thing that fucks American elections isn’t our abysmal turnout. It’s the complete lack of civic involvement between elections that makes voters easily malleable by expensive ad campaigns.
The progressive paradox. Progressive ideas and politicians are soooo popular but there’s always a reason they lost and it’s never because progressives don’t turn out.
In many states we did. He took more of Virgina and West Virginia than Hillary did, and their delegates still voted for Hilary at the DNC national convention. This happened in a ton of states before California, the only state that the DNC electors “officially” gave to Bernie, even had their primary. It was so bad that almost 50% of the lifelong Californian Democrats left the party for NPP registration, which is better in California, in my opinion, since No Party Preference allows one to vote in all the primaries, as well as the general.
That bullshit “vote” was, and probably still is, rigged. They won’t let us vote for AOC if she ever runs for president. We need to destroy every political party and force candidates to run on policy and ideals.
Washington understood that direct democratic communism was the best method of choosing leaders, and laws, well before either concept was even available.
See you say all that but when you look at the actual documented results it shows that Bernie got blown out in the popular vote and was actually unduly benefited by the delegate system proportional to how many people actually voted for him.
Stop making excuses, he lost because millenials and zoomers can’t be assed to even turn out at their share of the national population, let alone the easy dominating share they could take within the democratic party.
There were like 30 million ballots cast max in the 2016 primary, that is fucking nothing. The fact that Bernie didn’t landslide with as few as 15 million votes for his opponent is down to the fact that his supporters are loud obnoxious do nothings who have to be dragged by their hair and locked in the booth with no internet connection to even begin considering casting the fucking ballot.
Fuck wanting to vote for someone, fuck wanting to be inspired, fuck your prayers for the rapture revolution to come and solve everything for you. Do your duty to those who genuinely cannot protect themselves and cast that boring milquetoast ballot while we fucking have them for you to bitch and moan about it not being exciting enough.
America’s most vulnerable can’t afford for you to shirk your responsibility because the party’s manager didn’t deliver enough pizzazz and pandering to your karen ass self.
The progressive flank in this country could have anything it wants, but what it needs most today is a plan. Too many of us have fallen victim to the rapturous thinking that one day something will snap, be the straw that broke the camel’s back be the point of no return for the depravity of the right, and revolution will come to even the deepest red rural corners of this land made for you and me.
It’s the same as the western misconception of Karma. Karma isn’t “what goes around comes around” it’s a caution that behaving selfishly destroys the world around you and causes others to do the same in ways that will ultimately negatively impact you too. Karma isn’t the assurance that one day they’ll get theirs, it’s the fact that justice will not come unless you break the cycle and project justice into your world.
We need organization, actual, coordinated accountable, organization. We need national cooperation, and we need effort down to the individual.
Most importantly, we need our own manifesto. The Republicans have Project 2025, they have a plan, this plan can be put to action at any time provided they get the white house, they have something they get to take to the public and sell as what they plan to do.
We need A Project for All. A coalescence of every idea we single issue over, and quite a few that we haven’t even thought of yet as a political community into a coordinated policy package that we can sell as what exactly we plan to do.
We need to give a solid plan of what Joe Detroit can expect of the transition period from the current medical system to M4A. We need to be able to tell Margaret from Georgia exactly how she benefits from cracking the supreme court into a sortitionate office that randomly selects its jurors from the pool of all federal judges, and we gotta let Pennsylvania hear how they stand to gain from a world where lawyer and legal fees are not passed to the litigants and instead covered by the state.
He’s the face of why ya gotta vote. All the DNC trickery in the world woulda meant nothing if y’all turned out on primary day with the same energy y’all spend on cursing everyone else for doing it and not voting for him.
He coulda won, by a landslide, and he didn’t because he deserved better than his own supporters.
The issue wasn’t that people didn’t show up. There was record turnout for a primary race. The issue was concerns about electability. The talking heads kept repeating incessantly that Biden had the better shot at beating Trump. It was complete bullshit based off polls, but people believed it. Beating Trump was the top priority with policy taking a back seat. The position we are in now is the universe’s sense of irony.
The thing that fucks American elections isn’t our abysmal turnout. It’s the complete lack of civic involvement between elections that makes voters easily malleable by expensive ad campaigns.
The progressive paradox. Progressive ideas and politicians are soooo popular but there’s always a reason they lost and it’s never because progressives don’t turn out.
In many states we did. He took more of Virgina and West Virginia than Hillary did, and their delegates still voted for Hilary at the DNC national convention. This happened in a ton of states before California, the only state that the DNC electors “officially” gave to Bernie, even had their primary. It was so bad that almost 50% of the lifelong Californian Democrats left the party for NPP registration, which is better in California, in my opinion, since No Party Preference allows one to vote in all the primaries, as well as the general.
That bullshit “vote” was, and probably still is, rigged. They won’t let us vote for AOC if she ever runs for president. We need to destroy every political party and force candidates to run on policy and ideals.
Washington understood that direct democratic communism was the best method of choosing leaders, and laws, well before either concept was even available.
See you say all that but when you look at the actual documented results it shows that Bernie got blown out in the popular vote and was actually unduly benefited by the delegate system proportional to how many people actually voted for him.
Stop making excuses, he lost because millenials and zoomers can’t be assed to even turn out at their share of the national population, let alone the easy dominating share they could take within the democratic party.
There were like 30 million ballots cast max in the 2016 primary, that is fucking nothing. The fact that Bernie didn’t landslide with as few as 15 million votes for his opponent is down to the fact that his supporters are loud obnoxious do nothings who have to be dragged by their hair and locked in the booth with no internet connection to even begin considering casting the fucking ballot.
Fuck wanting to vote for someone, fuck wanting to be inspired, fuck your prayers for
the rapturerevolution to come and solve everything for you. Do your duty to those who genuinely cannot protect themselves and cast that boring milquetoast ballot while we fucking have them for you to bitch and moan about it not being exciting enough.America’s most vulnerable can’t afford for you to shirk your responsibility because the party’s manager didn’t deliver enough pizzazz and pandering to your karen ass self.
One fucking HUNDRED percent! Well said.
The progressive flank in this country could have anything it wants, but what it needs most today is a plan. Too many of us have fallen victim to the rapturous thinking that one day something will snap, be the straw that broke the camel’s back be the point of no return for the depravity of the right, and revolution will come to even the deepest red rural corners of this land made for you and me.
It’s the same as the western misconception of Karma. Karma isn’t “what goes around comes around” it’s a caution that behaving selfishly destroys the world around you and causes others to do the same in ways that will ultimately negatively impact you too. Karma isn’t the assurance that one day they’ll get theirs, it’s the fact that justice will not come unless you break the cycle and project justice into your world.
We need organization, actual, coordinated accountable, organization. We need national cooperation, and we need effort down to the individual.
Most importantly, we need our own manifesto. The Republicans have Project 2025, they have a plan, this plan can be put to action at any time provided they get the white house, they have something they get to take to the public and sell as what they plan to do.
We need A Project for All. A coalescence of every idea we single issue over, and quite a few that we haven’t even thought of yet as a political community into a coordinated policy package that we can sell as what exactly we plan to do.
We need to give a solid plan of what Joe Detroit can expect of the transition period from the current medical system to M4A. We need to be able to tell Margaret from Georgia exactly how she benefits from cracking the supreme court into a sortitionate office that randomly selects its jurors from the pool of all federal judges, and we gotta let Pennsylvania hear how they stand to gain from a world where lawyer and legal fees are not passed to the litigants and instead covered by the state.
Dude… I wish I could award gold to you because I would. This was VERY well said.
Seriously… Thanks for writing it out.