DLSS Frame Generation to FSR3 mod enables higher FPS for RTX 30 in Cyberpunk 2077 Gamers can now enable frame generation technology and enjoy higher performance in games that do not officially have FSR3 yet. The FSR3 went open source last week, allowing gamers, modders and game developers to start implementing FSR into software right […]
I admit I’m a little boggled by that. People would rather have fake frames that aren’t quite right? I guess that’s the same idea as DLSS in general anyhow, faking the information well enough that it’s okay.
Personally, I bought a 1440p monitor on purpose. The extra detail (in 4k) doesn’t do enough for me, and I get a better framerate instead.
Wow generating fake frames gives you more frames. Who would have guessed?
I admit I’m a little boggled by that. People would rather have fake frames that aren’t quite right? I guess that’s the same idea as DLSS in general anyhow, faking the information well enough that it’s okay.
Personally, I bought a 1440p monitor on purpose. The extra detail (in 4k) doesn’t do enough for me, and I get a better framerate instead.