1a. The server requires a potato CPU and 3GB of memory, currently it is Windows only (I know, I hate it too)

1b. Set up your game as expected, install whatever DLC you want the server to run (very important, see DLC installation thread). Download the server files here

  1. Copy server_default.bat next to h2m-mod.exe (game root folder)

  2. Copy server_default.cfg to game root/main

  3. Edit server_default.cfg with the following: Required:

  • Set sv_hostname
  • By default, the sv_maprotation that is uncommented has all modes on all maps. this requires either every DLC, or for you to change the maprotation. Check the documentation in the cfg file for how you want it, but know you can ONLY have ONE maprotation uncommented out at a time. In order to comment out a map rotation you need to put // in front of the set sv_maprotation you DONT want to use.
  • Additional maprotation note, you need map mp_whatever for each map you want to run in your gamemode. It can’t be map mp_afghan mp_terminal for example. It should be map mp_afghan map mp_terminal.

Required if you’re planning on using IW4M:

  • edit set rcon_password with a good password as it will give full control of your server to the person with the password.


  • Edit set party_maxplayers as you’d like
  • Edit seta sv_privateClients 0 and seta sv_privatePassword "" accordingly in order to have only your friends/supporters able to join certain slots (currently does NOT work. Please let me know if it is working for you and what you did to achieve it!)
  • Edit set g_log accordingly, this needs to be unique for multiple servers.

PS: In order to set a password to join a password server in console:

/password password
/connect IP.XX
  1. Edit server_default.bat (optional, multiple servers):
  • You can change the port, command prompt window name, and the cfg file you’re pointing to
  • You can have multiple copies of bat and cfg files in your game installation, just make sure they run different ports and have different names for your sake.
  1. If you don’t want IW4M broadcasting your server AND don’t want the outside world to connect to it, stop here and run the bat file.

  2. THIS STEP REQUIRES YOU ALLOWED THE GAME THROUGH YOUR FIREWALL WHEN ASKED INITIALLY!!! Login to your router and port forward the port you have selected for the server in the bat file (27016 UDP by default). If you do not want IW4M, stop here and run the bat file.

  3. Download IW4M latest release, from github (should be like 08.16.1 2024 prerelease as of this writing)

  4. Download, and install the ASP Net Server runtime from IW4M prerequisites

  5. Run the bat file to start your server, wait til it loads a bunch of stuff. Takes like 60-90 seconds. You likely want to connect to the server ahead of time before people flood in.

  6. Launch StartIW4MAdmin.cmd, select H2M, configure the server how you want it, ADD YOUR EXTERNAL IP WHEN ASKED, select your profanity settings yadda yadda. let it connect. You may want to enable to webfront for a local WebUI to administer from.

  7. Maybe optional, maybe not. Change if commands no work. Edit the IW4MAdminSettings.json in IW4MAdmin/Configuration:

  • Find "ManualLogPath": null, in the servers section
  • Change null to the location you specified g_log (by default its <game folder>/logs/default.log)
  • Set the path to look similar to this, mimicking your folder structure, "C:\\H2M\\Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered\\logs\\default.log"
  • If using multiple servers, g_log and ManualLogPath should be unique
  1. IW4M should connect to the server, run the !owner command in the text chat OR in the IW4M console window (mixed results on the latter).

If IW4M does not connect, try closing it and running it again. If you want to add multiple servers after you first set up IW4M, edit the IW4MAdminSettings.json in IW4MAdmin/Configuration. Dont forget json needs a comma after each entry until the last.

Reach out to @ashesofthem on any of the Discords for help!

  • MacOPMA
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • MacOPMA
    2 months ago

    deleted by creator