Would Starlink and other satellite ISP’s be able to mitigate some of the traffic?

  • TESTNET@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    It would give them (satellite internet providers) a boost if the cable cutting were continuosly occurring to a point of crippling then they may turn back the clock to what they have in military installations that’s an Intranet a closed network but closed because they choose for it to be it doesn’t actually have to be if they host large servers in areas that work on a local area connection (LAN) either and/or WIFI joined together and users connect to those servers to effectively use in effect a home made custom internet (Intranet) you could have frontend user interfaces to allow you pick and choose services or a search engine and or a file sharing server etc etc, you could even use banking apps just closed networked together, you could ramp that up by using large scale wifi and or satellite dish style relays or large antenna array equivelencies of such a thing capable of sending out the signal across an entire country and possibly beyond that…in fact theoretically it would be far safer to do that than having the current setup we usefor internet over undersea cables and so on in terms of outside access being denied, provided encryption was extremely high p2p end to end as well, it would be a case of if the owner says no then you don’t get in unless they want you to, at that stage unless your in the country on site physically thre in person to incercept the transmitted data and break the code to access it, then you can’t use it thus international countries cannot communicate or attack on it or inside of it and most certainly not entire building fulls of hackers any way, the serve3r providers would simply just transmit the data outbound to other countries as and when required not feed everything as in all communications through cables that every person can physically cut or attack out at sea or in some building in some on other continent it would prevent data being intercepted for the most part and lower infrastructure related hacks taking place and or working achieving success would be far lower than ever before. . The speeds would be confined to the relays speed and your connecting devices bandwidths as well so potentially ultra fast as well if the hardware improved further in time, that’s alsio a way of loosing cables in ocean’s for good doing that at the same time theoretically. It will not happen though, the world would say “enough’s enough” before that stage of cable destruction were remotely possible to achieve by the Russian’s