After the network showed a clip of a young conservative activist saying that climate change was the number one issue for young voters, Fox News moderator Martha MacCallum asked for a show of hands in response to her question, “Do you believe human behavior is causing climate change?”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis refused to participate, and then GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy declared, “I’m the only person on the stage who isn’t bought and paid for, so I can say this: The climate change agenda is a hoax.” A crowd full of Republicans started to boo.

Most of the Republicans on stage fell short of completely denying that climate change is caused by human activity. Ramaswamy, perhaps taking a page out of the Trump playbook of making the most outlandish comment possible, came right out and said it.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shot back, “I’ve had enough already tonight of a guy who sounds like ChatGPT.” Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley went so far as to venture, “Climate change is real.”

But moderator Bret Baier seized not on Ramaswamy’s blatant denial of the scientific consensus on climate change, but on his claim that he was the only candidate on the stage who was “not bought and paid for.” Baier took turns asking candidates, “Are you bought and paid for?” In classic Fox News fashion, a moment that could have provided insight into how far Republicans are willing to go to please young voters concerned about the environment devolved into senseless crosstalk. Still, for a party that has spent years ignoring or denying the biggest threat to our planet’s future, tonight’s responses were actually, almost, a little bit refreshing.

  • spectre [he/him]
    11 months ago

    The narrative changed about 10 years ago to “well it’s happening, but humans can’t do anything about it, it’s a natural process”. No real difference, but it puts a bit more smoke and mirrors up for the rubes who believe that sort of thing since it sounds a bit less wrong.

    Interesting that you can tell where someone’s political development kinda “paused” based on this. A dork who thinks climate change isn’t happening is a full 10 years behind their fellow dorks.

      11 months ago

      Here’s their evolution on climate change:

      • it doesn’t exist
      • it does exist, but it’s not caused by man
      • it’s caused by man, but it isn’t a bad thing
      • it is a bad thing, but it’s china’s fault

      How many more steps until some responsibility is accepted?

      11 months ago

      It’s the classic Yes, Prime Minister Four-Stage Strategy.

      In stage one we say nothing is going to happen.

      Stage two, we say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it.

      In stage three, we say that maybe we should do something about it, but there’s nothing we can do.

      Stage four, we say maybe there was something we could have done, but it’s too late now.