• the_toast_is_gone@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    You’re made-up idea that it’s about Jews and not Zionism also goes against the actions and remarks of the founder of Hamas

    They’re the ones that included a quote encouraging the killing of Jews - not Zionists - in the original charter. They’re also the ones who went on to commit, among numerous other attacks, October 7th. Do you not see the connection here? If there were any reforms, they’ve obviously failed.

    De-development via the Gaza Occupation

    Even today, Hamas is misusing humanitarian aid, and they’ve been known to do this for years.

    Peace Process and Solution

    At least two analyses have concluded that Hamas only wants ceasefires as a means to destroying Israel in the long term. An organization that genuinely wants a two-state solution doesn’t provoke its neighbors by killing over a thousand people and taking over 200 hostages.