I just got up from conversation with a couple of older black men, that I said “well I got to go back to work and start cracking the whip.” And it occurred to me then that it was probably a really insensitive stupid thing to say.

Sadly, it hadn’t occurred to me until it’s already said.

  • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
    10 months ago

    If you want a list of potentially offensive terms, look for corporate communication guidelines. PR people love making everything inclusive to a fault.

    For example, Google has this wordlist that contains quite a few “insensitive” words like “dummy” or “blind” or “to cripple”. Wikis also have lists like these.

    You should probably take most of these “loaded” terms with a grain of salt, but you can use them as a jumping off point if you want to think about the language you use.

    I personally find it amusing that modern sensitivity is treating terms related to slavery as if the exclusively refer to black people. The additional carefulness is reinforcing the idea that black people are inherently attached to slavery, even though slavery as it exists today is rarely ever race-based.