“Incredibly inefficient” is a bit of an exaggeration, heat pumps typically run at an efficiency of about 2, occasionally 3. It’s better but not by orders of magnitude. Not gonna make much of a difference at 500 watts.
Technically those are orders of magnitude. 2x or 3x efficiency compared to resistive heating is quite a bit. But in the scheme of getting actual heat into an actual home and real world energy costs it’s not a huge difference
“Incredibly inefficient” is a bit of an exaggeration, heat pumps typically run at an efficiency of about 2, occasionally 3. It’s better but not by orders of magnitude. Not gonna make much of a difference at 500 watts.
Technically those are orders of magnitude. 2x or 3x efficiency compared to resistive heating is quite a bit. But in the scheme of getting actual heat into an actual home and real world energy costs it’s not a huge difference
Order of magnitude is 10x, at least in the common usage of that expression.