Yep. They even made a new 3310.
Yep. They even made a new 3310.
Uh, they DO still make dumb phones. And people still buy them.
Minetest. The game is way more open and customisable, and you can add in whatever rulesets you like.
To be more specific, you can, it’s just an esoteric piece of shit mechanism that’s way more complicated than it needs to be.
and the government would have to explain precisely why they decided to ban all Google services over a song about freedom.
They wouldn’t explain shit. This is an authoritarian government we’re talking about; they have near total control of what information gets to their populace.
More likely they’d just accuse Google of supporting terrorism, and make a show of raiding their offices and jailing their local executives.
I don’t think the people in charge would last long if that happened, considering how integral Google’s services are to many people’s lives.
This is China we’re talking about. Chinese equivalents to nearly every big tech service are more than present and accounted for, even often preferred by the local populace. Hong Kong is a little different, but the CCP still exerts near total control there.
Isn’t that just execution by another name?
Eh, replace death with life-without-parole imprisonment and I’m onboard.
If you think about it, LWP is a far worse fate.
It is literally either follow this law or cease operations here. Both would end in the song being blocked anyway.
Mind you, I wish we were that level of strict when it came to our data privacy laws.
I dunno, why don’t you ask, eg: Russia?
The usual tell is when you need to have a cat in the morning just to function.
Because by law in certain countries, homosexuality is persona non grata, and a filter needs to be there to legally operate in such countries.
Because Catholicism.
Catholics believe that any sexual activity that doesn’t have a chance of making a baby is sinful. Gays obviously can’t make babies as a normal part of their love making, so that’s where the whole ‘being gay is sinful’ bit comes from
They’re also the one straight up using the term, which is why I asked in the first place (that being I had no clue what it meant)
Voe are not allowed in Gerudo Town!
Yep! Can you tell I fuck around on computers way too much?
Lol nope! Republic of Ireland has been a heavily-Catholic country since its inception. It’s lightened in recent years and some surprises do slip through but that ain’t one of them.
Out of the loop. What’s a 304?
My mind is going towards HTML status codes.
Until they make the wrong call and it bites them on the ass.
Yeah but they’re called talent for a reason. The senior talent are generally better than the juniors at what they do.
When home consoles used PCB cartridges, they were. That’s because PCBs are expensive to make compared to optical discs.