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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Probably, in the same way Steamboat Mickey is.

    Just part of the whole valuing property, in this case intellectual, over actual labor and people that our species loves so fucking much.

    Imagine if IP from drugs to technology to fiction had a 5-10 year max window before other people could work with and expand on it. It would be a better world for most.

    Oh you only get to make exclusive income on that thing you came up with for SEVERAL YEARS OF YOUR LIFE before you need to contribute in other ways to keep making money, boo fucking hoo. Where’s the sympathy for people working 2 jobs, burning their life up to meet basic needs, who don’t get several years of passive income on an idea that popped into their head 4 years ago.

  • I give money to homeless people exclusively as my form of charity. At least in the US, I see no hope. I vote blue out of harm reduction. I see no point in giving to charities where some affluent person in an expensive suit draws a salary from donations, coordinates fancy parties for people like themselves to charm them into acting like human beings for a moment and parting with some infinitesimal fraction of their sociopathic dragon hoards in exchange for both bragging rights and tax breaks that robs the commons they owe so not real charity, and calls that being a humanitarian.

    I see our massive homeless cities as monuments to our society’s avarice and malice. Fellow citizens we sent out to die of exposure and police harassment at their lowest point for the crime of not producing value for the owners.

    I hope when I give $20 to one of our society’s greatest victims, they spend it on whatever will give them a moment of temporary relief or escape from what our society has done to them. If they have mental illness or drug addiction issues, it is 100% our fault as members of this society for not helping them, and we don’t, as that would require significant resources and we’re all out for ourselves as “rugged individuals,” as if there’s some kind of perverse honor in that.

  • No innovation or competition comes from letting giant companies devour their rivals.

    Exactly! It only helps people with too much already hobble competition to pocket even more for themselves at society’s direct expense at those levels, while completely discrediting the primary supposed core tenant of capitalism we’re indoctrinated from childhood to believe it provides: competition.

    Civilization has been propagandized to forget that economies aren’t supposed to exist to maximize capital extraction for private investors at society’s expense, an economy is supposed to be a lowly tool of a society used to maximize the efficient and equitable distribution of goods and services within a society for the benefit of said society.

    The tail is wagging the dog, and captured world governments loudly declare during any crisis that they will use all the power at their disposal to protect the well being of their beloved societies economies.

    Just dwell on how perverse that ideology is. The entire point, the well being of human beings, is lost.

  • There’s no good argument in allowing mergers of companies that are already large enough to be publicly traded at all.

    Honestly the whole private shareholder parasite that produces nothing, aside from the chips from their last trip to the exploitation casino, and demands and gets almost every net cent of profit produced is the root cause of most of humanity’s great crises. Value/capital earned/made should be tied largely to the quantity/quality/expertise of contributed LABOR, not passive speculative investment, aka gambling, often with loaded market pressure dice and marked insider information cards.

    There’s a damned good reason, prior to the Reaganomics/Jack Welch giveaway, that the normal business model was customers first, employees second, investors third: because without the first two no one makes anything, and the third only consumes and demands like petulant infants demanding a baba.

    Now it’s investors first and only, which is not sustainable, just look around at all the mergers enshittifying every economic sector’s ability to produce the goods and services they existed to provide in the first place.