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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • People saw it, but if you remember Taxis before Uber it wasn’t exactly great either.

    No-shows, demanding flat rates double what the meter would charge/refusing service, various forms of harassment, etc.

    Turns out when there is very little competition, businesses treat their customers like shit.

    Uber definitely does some things better than traditional taxis. Things like work flexibility are great, but workers still need better protections and pay (aka, a union).

  • I am not sure what point you are trying to make, or how it relates to my comment/the article?

    Even if we’re talking about someone who simply lacks basic or any morals, that would make them even more susceptible to Greed.

    Especially when using a system specifically designed to provide them with vulnerable people who are mostly hidden from public and given less wages and rights, don’t know local laws, and are incredibly desperate.

    What a convenient coincidence, heartless Greed finds itself flush with unlimited desperate workers. Again.

  • Samurai champloo is a classic and contributed a ton to anime style, but maybe doesn’t hit as hard with plot as more recent creations. Fun and campy meets dark and gritty

    Inuyasha is another classic feudal Japan and magic environment

    May as well mention Afro Samurai if I’m gonna have a string of feudal Japan anime

    Most people look like they mentioned Cowboy bebop already

    I’m a huge Neon Genesis Evangelion fan, but originally watched it in the early 2000’s as a teenager with divorced parents so there’s probably a big nostalgia factor

    I absolutely loved cyberpunk edgerunners, but it’s only 10 episodes (watched this probably 5x already)

    The animated witcher movie + Castlevania (not nocturne though) were really good.

    Arcane + DOTA I found to be really enjoyable as well.

  • I totally understand why women would pick bear, as bear society doesn’t bend over backwards to victimize women.

    Most power structures cater to the people who abuse power. Police, church, courts, military, etc all tend to go crazy easy on men who abuse women.

    Republicans want to take away women’s rights/independence, limit/eliminate divorce, force birth for rape/incest. Police who assault women are protected and don’t face consequences, and most religions literally view women as a subspecies that serve men.

    Maybe the average man is totally normal and helpful, but the history of violence between men and women is like 98% men killing women with heaps of Rape, confinement, physical/mental abuse etc.

    The worst any Bear could do is kill someone in 1-2 minutes, maybe longer.

    It’s also an incredibly loaded situation in that being alone in the woods with a bear is “natural” and being alone in the woods with a strange man already sounds like a horror movie plot/murder news story.

    There’s also the constant “stranger danger” fear women will pretty much always experience because men can consistently and easily overpower most women. All women I have met seem to know at least one or more women who have been sexually assaulted, had their drink spiked etc, so it’s not some obsession with crime shows or scary movies driving this fear. It’s actual rapists prevalent in society and emboldened enough by lack of consequences to act.

    Even in cases where it seems obvious Rape happened, it’s a brutal gauntlet of gas lighting, victim blaming, “can’t ruin their life for a mistake”, etc that stop a huge amount of reporting and convictions.

    Going back to the question itself, answer ratios would probably change depending on the area, would women be less inclined to pick bear if they were in a library instead of the woods because it’s unnatural for a bear to be in that environment?

    People need to relax, and focus on the real story. Women have an incredibly long and valid list of reasons to be afraid of men and society needs to do better to make women feel safe

  • The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

    He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

    We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

    They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went “just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we’ll throw a wind storm at it to prove it’s good forever”

  • I’m not well versed in what is happening at specific campuses across the US - but if people not associated with the school (anyone not current students/Alumni) are protesting on Private property, the school is well within their rights to have trespassers removed.

    Students should be allowed to peacefully protest on school grounds, or they can join non students protest that is off campus.

    I’m not sure what the answer to Israel//Palestine is, but the US is absolutely directly funding and assisting in a genocide while publicly almost maybe finger wagging Netanyahu.

    I would love to see North Americans actually tuck in to protest and figure out how to actually make them work. There’s so much that needs to change but never will until actual consequences come for those responsible.

  • Government/police insist on having basically unlimited ability to spy on people within the US, and then maybe catch a part of one operation after collecting heaps of evidence over months/years with tons of victims irrevocably harmed - and eventually a few main people get like 3-5 years in prison on a plea deal.

    I get the whole “building a case” thing, but letting multiple children get abused, while other sickos learn the ropes to eventually “get enough evidence” so a few people can plead guilty for a comparatively light prison sentences is absurd. Shut anything about it down immediately. Even if it doesn’t go to trial/conviction I’m sure the police have creative capacities to deal with child abusers outside of prison.

    And people still think sex education in school is about teaching children how to preform sex acts, instead of helping them avoid predators.

  • Not sure how hot this take is, but ever since FFX I have found the FF series leaning heavily into the J part of JRPG

    So we get epic characters with world ending powers doing trope-y anime poses and gestures, or get childish priorities and I find it negatively affecting immersion (for me anyhow).

    The last “new” final fantasy I’ve played is 13, and some of 13II (as well as rebirth, which I still loved) so I’m not exactly caught up on current FF universes either.

    FF1-9 all felt more neutral in that they were people acting to save the world and helping people along the way, whereas more modern final fantasy games seem to have this sweetie goofy cotton candy innocence elements that really clash with underlying story/universe. Like I’m watching elementary school Anime mashed into an adult FF universe.

    I’d love for the FF7 remake series to shift to a much darker, gritty, adult tone (chocobos can still be happy tho, love those guys)

  • Obviously more US aid is crucial, and it’s recent absence is clearly having negative consequences in Ukraine.

    If there is a silver lining, it’s that all of Europe is finally getting it’s military shit sorted out.

    Russia is settling into it’s war economy and the rest of Europe has decades of dust to shake off it’s military capabilities.

    Obviously NATO and individual European counties aren’t fully engaged in war like Ukraine is, but the resources consumed by war is proving just how under prepared Europe is for a long campaign.

  • The best way to tell if it’s a false flag operation is to see how much this event will be spread in the Russian media.

    They’ve lost tons of equipment and had bombings deep in Russian territory, mostly affecting their oil production which could be perceived locally as Russian military inferiority.

    So when this starts being on blast for every channel and frequency - you can be sure it’s a false flag.

    If they bury this like any other Russian military failing, then it’s probably real.

    Edit: ISIS claims responsibility, but Russia is still trying to blame Ukraine, which is kind of a false flag?