Still not explaining why you are saying this is a dishonest framing?
Still not explaining why you are saying this is a dishonest framing?
That’s the current scenario though.
Photographer is using Ozzy’s fame to cash in on the photo, it’s not like there was an arrangement here.
How is it dishonest? If Ozzy wasn’t famous, that wouldn’t be an issue.
This is the snake eating its tail.
The photographer only took photos because he was famous. The photographer is getting money from someone else’s work.
But the person you are profiting from cannot use the photographs because he is profiting from your work?
I understand that legally, there is a set of laws to manage that. But ethically that is fucked up that the person you took a photo from didn’t give you permission and you profit from their notoriety, but that person cannot use the photos himself.
There is a difference between you going to a photographer asking him to take photos of you and a paparazzi taking a photo of you in a public setting.
That’s the best no context quote of the year so far.
If they change course in the next 5 years, so be it. But right now, Jeep took some dev time to develop this, meaning they plan to use it at some point.
They deserve to lose the trust of the consumer because they gave us a peek behind the curtain and it fucking sucks.
Stop being pro-corpo, they are not your friend and they will piss on your corpse if that means they get a dollar more.
I love how that saying this is a software glitch is somehow supposed to make it okay? Motherfuckers, you took time and money to develop the thing. In doesn’t matter that it wasn’t supposed to be deployed right now. It matters that it was developed at all.
This is my tinfoil opinion, but I wouldn’t be surprised that it was done on purpose to gauge the public reaction and setting the pace of rollout.
The timing is too perfect knowing damn well that Republicans won’t legislate that.
Oh I totally agree with that. It’s dumb that there is so many systems that use SSNs as an identification.
My identity infos have been leaked with the Desjardins leaks, so my SSN is forever known and all the critical services that uses SSNs are now more vulnerable.
Not really. I haven’t worked with a TI mcu for a while so I can’t talk about their mcu docs, but their sections describing data exchanges between the IC and your mcu usually has a lot of ambiguity that needs to be clarified through trial and error.
I am not sure if you are agreeing with me or not, but DOB and location where you were born are additional informations as I mentioned in my replie before.
You can guess a phone number as well by changing the last number, but that information has 0 value unless it is coupled with other informations.
Freedoms are seeping out of your pockets, you should get that checked.
The pinnacle of innovation if you ask me.
Own that shit. Be weird, awkwardness is normal and we need to make it so.
Nothing stops people from mix matching backup media.
If I lose the series I downloaded versus my family photos, not the same impact.
She had 10 children, she knows her way around.
They will be there when I am done with relaxing, they can wait.
In the scolding hot summer, I only like ice in my beverage because of an campaign in the 30s, not because it makes the drink colder and feels more refreshing.
You can share my tinfoil if you’d like. I got enough for both of us.