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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • I do not understand the US cuckoldry to Israel.

    The Lavon Affair was an Israeli plot to blow up US and British buildings in Egypt, in order to frame islamic terrorists.

    The Israeli Nuclear program was started with 100 kg of refined Uranium they illegally stole from US stockpiles.

    The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel with the aim to sink it (34 dead, 117 injured).

    …and that’s not even getting to the child sex trafficking Mossad agent Robert Maxwell’s daughter, Ghislain Maxwell did.

    The alliance with Israeli Fascism has almost always been one sided, and the US just keep persisting with allowing this stuff to happen. It’s insane.

  • Because in the classical Jungian style of analysis, imagery of the basement of a childhood home was a revisiting of the past.

    Likewise “up from the floor” indicates ancients coming up from caves, ancient monsters to be slain, underground dungeons. The primitive unchained and revisited.

    …and using Freud’s principle of the inversion; down from the ceiling is indicative of from the future.

    Prometheanism, featuring stories of Science only taking us so far before we fall from the ceiling, or rather it chaotically falls on us.

    The idea that a return to primative barbarism and violence can also come from above, from technology, from the future unknown, from advanced beings, complex plans, or outter space.

    So whether it’s up from the floor (ancient past) or down from the ceiling (unknown future) - it’s coming for us, with risks and dangers we’re not ready for…

    …or so the stories go.

  • Go ask ChatGPT which nations are in OPEC. Some (or their regions) are listed (as unstable) in this thread.

    They compete with Western Oil interests.

    That is why these regions (africa and the middle east) are destabilized, that is that status quo, has been for decades. That’s the point, that’s normalcy for US hegemony (and western oil interests).

    As for the other two issues you raised. Ukraine and Taiwan… Taiwan is never going to happen for a multitude of reasons, that’s just saber rattling. Always has been (hence why it hasn’t been attempted, even Mao knew it couldn’t be done).

    Ukraine is serving it’s own survival and damaging Putin and the Russian economy in the process - there’s no real risk for America there, only a reward.

    So all of this is why we have the major wars and current state of the world. Most of it represents “the center holding” as Biden put it. It makes sense if you understand the players and geopolitics.