• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020

  • My workplace preinstalls Ubuntu, personally I’m using openSUSE. I don’t even think that Ubuntu is particularly bad, I’m mainly frustrated with it, because it’s just slightly worse than openSUSE (and other distros) in pretty much every way.
    It’s less stable, less up-to-date, less resilient to breakages. And it’s got more quirky behaviour and more things that are broken out-of-the-box. And it doesn’t even have a unique selling point. It’s just extremely mid, and bad at it.

  • For example Rust needs to be able to dynamically allocate memory for all of its syntax to be intact.

    Hmm, you got an example of what you mean?

    Rust can be used without allocations, as is for example commonly done with embedded.
    That does mean, you can’t use dynamically sized types, like String, Vec and PathBuf, but I wouldn’t consider those part of the syntax, they’re rather in the std lib…

  • Your trouble with the clutch and watching the road, that will definitely get easier with practice.

    But what always remains stressful is that lots of drivers are insane cunts. As in, they should be in a psychiatry. They’ll tailgate you, if you have the audacity to drive the speed limit.

    And well, other factors can be at play. I’ve probably got some flavor of autism, so having everything around me rattle and explode, and needing to constantly pay attention to the road, that stresses me out due to sensory overload. Even after multiple years of practice, I’m more than glad to walk to the shops.

  • I mean, to some degree definitely yes. You do need some upfront knowledge and some editing steps can be quite tedious.
    I zone out while shoving shapes around the place, so I actually enjoy doing it in my freetime.

    Having said that, we are talking about icons. You usually don’t want those to be particularly complex anyways.
    But the SVG format is also more powerful than one might expect.
    You’ve got a collection of basic shapes. Particularly, paths allow you to draw essentially anything, including some really useful curves. And you can also do some cool gradients and even animations.

    And you can use fonts in the text element, but only like in HTML, i.e. you specify “bold” or “Times New Roman” and hope wherever it’s displayed has that font available. Would definitely not recommend that for an icon.
    Inkscape allows converting text to a path, so that it doesn’t depend on the host system. So, if I ever want a font in an icon, I’d do that in Inkscape and then copy the path element that it created into my text editor.

  • There’s two things at play here.

    MP3 (or WAV, OGG, FLAC etc.) provide a way to encode polyphony and stereo and such into a sequence of bytes.

    And then separately, there’s Unicode (or ASCII) for encoding letters into bytes. These are just big tables which say e.g.:

    • 01000001 = uppercase ‘A’
    • 01000010 = uppercase ‘B’
    • 01100001 = lowercase ‘A’

    So, what your text editor does, is that it looks at the sequence of bytes that MP3 encoded and then it just looks into its table and somewhat erronously interprets it as individual letters.