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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • FF7 Rebirth. I’m sort of struggling to push through. I just got to chapter 10, figure if I’m this far to just mainline the story to completion. I fully completed the first two open world areas but have been ignoring most of the others after that. The open world traversal seems bolted on to the hallway simulator that Remake was. That and the quests in the open world don’t feel substantial or consequential. Find this Spring, fight this legendary enemy, rinse and repeat. The campiness of the story is also getting to me.

    For full disclosure, I didn’t play the original on PSX but was always intrigued by the art style and aesthetic back when it released. Alas, I only had a N64 at the time and never played it in the later years through emulation. I’m not sure if the original has the same level of camp, but would like to hear if that’s only in these games or in the series overall. The feeling I got from various advertisements was the game was more mature in tone than I’ve experienced so far.

    I did finish Remake earlier this year, after initially trying it when it launched in 2020. The campiness of it turned me off a few years back but I really wanted to understand the hype.

    I guess the only thing I’m getting out of it at the moment are the visuals. It’s gorgeous, but I don’t think I’m appreciating the story/lore like all the fans are.

  • Right there with you. I had like 25 hours in the game and realized I just spent most of that time save scumming a single battle over and over. I tried another 15 hours and it felt like that’s all I was doing. I felt I was under leveled, I rerolled a new character on the easiest difficulty but was still finding myself doing the same shit and battles weren’t getting easier.

    I’m sure there’s a great game there, but I don’t have the time for it.

  • Photography.

    I started to really get into it back in 2015 with a Sony A6000 and a kit lens. Then you buy more, higher quality lenses. Then you buy better camera bodies with full frame sensor, then lenses that are full frame compatible. Then the various odds and end accessories. Then trips around the world to take pictures of things.

    I have taken a break from photography recently, on account that having a kid doesn’t allow me a lot of opportunity to edit my photos anymore. They say the best camera you have is the one that is on you. That has proven to be true while I try to be as present as possible around my daughter. I can quickly take out my phone, capture the moment and it will take care of most of the post processing edits that I can share with family later.