26 years old, USA

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • This and the replies here are actually kind of inspiring. I guess I dont work right now and its very stressful because I feel stuck in my parents home, I dont have the power to craft my life the way I like just yet. But if I never had to work? It’d be so cool to just make art about what life feels like. I’d probably try harder at improving the social experience around me, as opposed to being so confident I need to move away in order to ever be important or build wealth.

  • My initial position was that AI art would be exciting when a more carefully curated training data is used. … But after some talking with friends, I think we’re living in a world that has minimal respect for copyright already, except when a corporation has a problem with it and wants to bring down the hammer of the law.

    It does hurt and its easy to be emotional about artists’ livelihoods being threatened by AI, they aren’t the only laborers threatened by job loss to automation, but this one hurts the most.

    So now its just up to AI and artists to make interesting art with it. And for artists to adapt to this environment that has automated art tools.

  • The US being a country that prints its own currency and isnt tied to any trading partners the way the European Union is, our government can basically create infinite debt and it sorta doesnt matter. Very abstract concept that I don’t grasp. But yeah we can afford it, we just print money or whatever. Also billions is not a lot of money, and that money was already being allocated to the military budget, and that money was earmarked to help our military industrial complex which it is absolutely doing.

  • Okay, so… I just conceded that I can’t define spyware, and you’re accusing me of moving the goalposts over it but I think Ive given ground.
    I have not ever brought up the privacy policy.

    I stand by my point that security flaws are of strategic benefit to the powers that be. We can’t assume what shareholders want other than money. Yeah most of the exploits that were publicized were pretty basic and easy to avoid. These exploits are fundamentally discords fault that they were around so long, so easy to employ, etc.

    Looking into it, I found those malicious scripts on google on the first page… Discord could have issued takedown requests to google and Github. When a company is so large, laziness is malice. Someone said “no, don’t fix that.” ha that’s the scare-pasta you brought up, isn’t it? Ah well.

    You’re asking me to consider that discord is just doing what everyone else is doing and doing what its told by shareholders, who want a perfect and safe platform. You’re not asking me to change my mind, but actually make my arguments weaker. To moderate them. No thanks, I find the sharpest point to be more useful than a dull one.

    Of course! Hope you’re all good, too. Getting on with the replies I’m thinking like… Damn I use discord everyday, I use discord and occasionally talk to people who still use Twitter (X)… Ha. 🤷‍♀️
    Will I ever stop using Discord?

  • On reddit you can simply use a tampermonkey script to remove your data. On discord, there is no option to delete all your messages. To the extent that there’s a discussion worth having about whether Discord is following the GDPR.

    Not tackling security issues means discord is okay with third parties exploiting the software to gain info about certain users - which could include hacker groups or government actors targeting single targets.

    I dont think discord can give individual messages over, legally, although they are stored unencrypted on Discord’s server.