• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Geek_King@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsigh...
    18 days ago

    I miss multiplayer in PC games being done by joining a server and playing. No match making bullshit, it was fun to be in a server with a mixture of skill levels. As compared with a lot of game snow, when ever your skills improve, you just get thrown into a harder tier of match making until you reach your limit and burn out.

  • Some background on me, I’m a IT geek, I love technology, I love VR, not a huge fan of apple. I couldn’t understand the use case for the Vision Pro, especially given battery life and other odd little limitations. The hardware sounded absolutely amazing, some incredible features, but Apple really wanted to distance the headset from VR, and instead was pushing this weird idea that you’d just sit and use the head in an Augmented Reality style interface for their eco system. Imagine wearing this thing during your child’s first birthday in order to capture a 3d video.

    It’s a shame, but it’s a solution looking for a problem. If they would have leaned hard into the incredible hardware to be a killer VR headset too, that may have helped a little bit. But as everyone else is saying… I’m not surprised by this outcome.

  • I read that Tesla being Tesla reinvented a ton of very standard components that other car manufacturers have been using for decades. So there are a lot of weird issues with Teslas that you wouldn’t see in a car from an established car maker. It’s Tesla ego which makes them think that they can design component better than a whole industry over decades and decades could.

    When the Model S came out, I thought it was the height of cool, but I wouldn’t consider buying one of their vehicles now. I think the only reason they even kinda did well was that the rest of the car makers were slow to start making EVs that looked decent and were priced reasonably. Now that the big boys are in the game, Tesla has been dropping the price of some of their models to try and stay competitive. But their cars have always had quality assurance issues, and their support isn’t decent at all, since they try to blame customers for things outside of their control.

  • The Thing is my favorite horror movie. With that being said, they probably didn’t have a grand plan for the dog turning to look back. They probably didn’t even direct the dog to do that, because it’s a dog, it was probably looking back at it’s trainer in that scene.

    The motive for the The Thing is always survive, and in that situation it was being hunted, and getting away from that threat was first and foremost it’s goal. After it was safe, it wanted to leave the arctic, to most likely infect and convert more life forms. It’s unknown if The Thing is a space faring race on it’s own, or just a parasitic hitch hiker who consumes life forms and adds their understanding it it’s own. If it’s just a consumer of life, then it’s goal would be to get out of arctic to population centers and get to work taking over and mimicking more organisms. If it’s intelligent and isn’t just a consume, it’d want to get off of earth to continue doing what ever Thing things it would normally do. I definitely lean toward it being a consumer, having tried to take over the original owners of the ship it crashed onto earth in.