The number of people that would go to the woods makes me think that staying in a city would be a better option.
The number of people that would go to the woods makes me think that staying in a city would be a better option.
One conservative acquaintance voted for trump to bring Jesus to the country and to stop abortion.
Another voted for trump because they worship money and believe that another trump administration will help him get richer.
My response is:
Good, as long as I don’t think about it.
Going back to the EU with our tail between our legs isn’t going to go down well with anyone so won’t be happening anytime soon.
“we would rather the people of the UK continue to suffer economically than be embarrassed on the international stage for a few years.”
That’s is strong leadership /s
It’s a great thought experiment to get us to think about what is truly important -
No one is going to answer “work more” or “continue to conform to other’s expectations of me.” or any other thing that we are taught to believe are important.
Sure having some savings is important, your health is important (except maybe not so much in this instance), but really life is about experiencing life not creating shareholder value or working hard to blend into the crowd just to make other people less uncomfortable.
I know I went off on a tangent, I do that often. But I’ve been thinking more about how in the west we are taught aggressively from a young age what is deemed important (work, money, prestige, name brand things, etc) and what is frivolous (hobbies, family, friends, etc) and then people wonder why life sucks. It doesn’t suck, it’s that you are trying to conform to something that goes against your true nature.
To answer the question: travel, spend time with people I love, play video games, eat more cheeseburgers, drink more beer.
I’d want to do a series of shows based on the chapters from World War Z
Yes I do.
If app A has an icon that when touched does a specific thing, and app B has the exact same icon that does the exact same thing there is nothing new to learn. The learning curve is flat.
If you are arguing about the ethical and legal aspect of one app using the exact same UI as another that is a different conversation and a good one to have.
well the the learning curve for new users is flat and adoption of the app will be more acceptable to more people.
I think it’s a smart idea - they can always make changes to the UI in time as the platform gets more people.
Nothing kills the joy of a hobby faster than trying to make a living out of it.
It’s one of the symptoms of the SYSTEM when a kid shows talent and/or strong interest in a thing, it could be most anything, the adults that this child looks to for guidance push them to make this interest and/or talent into a career. And as soon as that suggestion takes root in that child’s head then it just time before the hobby/talent is abandoned with regret and sadness.
This may not be universal but it’s not rare either - as you know first hand.
Hope one day you can, if you want, get back to what drew you towards playing music in the first place and I hope you find joy in it for nothing more than that.
It is a mental disease
Yes. As a completely uneducated non-certified internet therapist I’d say that disease is fear. I really believe that those people that strive for more and more do so to try to fix a fear of not having enough. Or a fear of not being enough. Instead of actually trying to recognize the this fear and controlling it, they just do the one thing that can temporarily make them less fearful and that is make more, control more.
I’m still pissed we as citizenry didn’t stand up and demand what we deserve
This will only happen if there is someone that the progressive democrats can get behind. Someone like Bernie but younger and more angry. Someone that will call out the bullshit and do it in a way that will get the attention of the big media corporations. I hate to say it but a progressive trump, but smarter (which shouldn’t be difficult) and genuinely out to better the lives of the American citizens. And I genuinely hope that this unicorn exists.
I honestly liked the first one in isolation, it was when I watched all 4 back to back that I came to dislike the franchise. It was too much John Wick all at once I guess
The John Wick series
Watched them all over the course of a weekend - its the same fucking moving over and over and over and over again. The amount of disbelief I needed to suspend got exponentially larger so by the time I got to the last movie I just couldn’t take it anymore. There is no real plot or any development of characters, it’s just implausible fight scene after implausible fight scene.
I think if I put a few months between each movie I wouldn’t have this opinion - on their own the movies can be mindlessly entertaining but all together was too much for me.
“Your life isn’t shitty, the System that we live our lives in is”
Wayne Gretzki
Yes, your description is part of the genesis of my question. Where did this all come from because without knowing the origin of why western culture stared disallowing some important and strong emotions to be displayed by men we can strive to change it.
The reason I used robotic instead of stoic in my initial post is that I see stoicism as less about refraining from emotions but learning how to control emotions. That is recognize that you are human and you will have a wide variety of emotions, and you should have all of those emotions. But with stoicism the goal is to recognize the emotion you are having and not allow it to control you.
You can be mad or even fucking piss off angry but you should still have that higher, separate thought that control the emotion and allow it to come out in ways that don’t create a negative impact on yourself and others.
My post was more about where in history did the western culture evolve to punish men from having any emotion beyond anger, ambivalence and to a limited degree humor.
Well shit. I actually thought this was no stupid questions - I need to pay better attention I guess. Thanks for pointing it out. I will re-submit there instead.
Maybe stoic is a better word for it. But someone that shows little range of emotions - angry, ambivalent, and happy (on a limited basis) but nothing else.
I don’t think that there is a tactical thought to people wanting to vandalize Teslas. I think that there is a true sense of helplessness on not being able to do anything to stop these fuckers. So in in the place of something more substantial the anger and frustration is being taken out on something associated with musk
Is it right? Probably not. Is it understandable, yes