Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Memes don’t matter if revenue climbed
Also a voters pay and retirement benefits are not likely to be impacted by how they vote. Civil service it can make a huge difference in the long run if you retire vs get dismissed.
As much as that is a wonderful sentiment. Retirement vs firing might make a substantial difference in their quality of life i. Retirement whereas getting fired is a symbolic gesture that may or may not have any impact at all. I can understand trying to make sure that personally you come out as on as possible.
I have never seen a specialist without a giant wait-list. These providers tend to have too many patients so they have a negative incentive for trying to make it easier to reach them.
I work for a Canadian EMR company and we deal with a couple of options for medical voice software. I know Dragon naturally speaking has a medical offering that likely would meet any regulatory requirements. There are also some subscription based ones that I don’t know if there are US versions of, but If you google the medical options you should be able to find some options.
Memes only matter if they effect revenue. If profit climbed then the stupid stays.