Technically, if something happened yesterday, it is also historic.
More along the lines of not wanting kids to know or being exposed to lgbtq culture, but he is fine with kids knowing about and being exposed to Nazi culture
Technically, if something happened yesterday, it is also historic.
More along the lines of not wanting kids to know or being exposed to lgbtq culture, but he is fine with kids knowing about and being exposed to Nazi culture
Most of society doesn’t understand or doesn’t care.
I called it. Powers that be want that beachfront property.
Whoops, shouldn’t have that bar assocation logo here either.
In other news, Google wants to scan all your messenger images.
I certainly did… I ve been saying that all that beachfront land is too valuable to developers to not use as a tourist spot.
Whoever wrote this bill probably lacks the basic network skills to know you can do that.
This is some next level dumb shit.
I used both. But the track pad buttons are so much easier to use for click and drag operations, left click right click is a button not an Interpreted 2 finger gesture that doesn’t always work.
This, and why do they take away the 2 buttons below the track pad. PC track pads are barely tolerable as it is.
When Andy left his toys with the little girl and played with them 1 last time … That was the end of this story. Period
Cats in the cradle, has no one said this one 😭 😭 😭
I’ve worked for the government. They had me managing 78 full AWS accounts for various departments. Me, 1 guy. And I had to explain basics of tech to everybody in charge of the cloud accounts.
Our gov can barely manage itself, let alone some next level tech on millions of devices and keep track of it all. They couldn’t even get me a new mouse without 2 forms, 1 online ticket, and 2 levels of approvals.
In the late 1700s it took months to get election results. Things that seemed normal hundreds of years ago…such as allowing bearing of arms in the form of a musket that maybe shot 1 bullet every 3 minutes… Today they are crazy…same rule applies to a machine gun that can spray hundreds of bullets in same time frame. The founding fathers had no idea what was to come.
If they wanted you to have that info, the software that powers the code reader would already be in the cars computer and would show human readable errors.
They don’t
It’s the miscellaneous utensil drawer. We have 2. Up top for common ones like can opener, corkscrew… big one on floor for the lesser used ones like rolling pin, flour sifter, hand mixer…
If you are arguing over this, don’t. Not worth it because there’s no better answer unless you have a millionaire mansion with a gazillion drawers
10 Do you have food? 20 Do you have my squeaky ball? 30 GOTO 10
Naw, you can make out the microphone bracket …it’s a headset
Why would he still have on his phone headset during lunch too?
I told people years ago. You don’t own those books.
I own my books… They are made out of this thing called paper and line the wall of my office. All the volumes I value I have of copy of for myself and future generations of my family