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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • When something that big barely turns a profit, I immediately suspect Hollywood accounting.

    But if true, they made a game, covered their costs, left the company with an asset that can keep making sales, and probably developed their in-house talent and tooling along the way. That’s a lot of points in the “win” column.

    Wise leaders understand that, in business, victory means getting to try another project with the same team, next year. Failure means disolution of the business. Earn enough years and projects with the same team in a row, and maybe you take one of the big wins one of those years.

  • Yeah. There was so much wasted potential in the DCEU.

    But I don’t consider Aquaman wasted potential at all. I’m a fan of the comic, but the source material never tried to be Black Panther, so a movie that did wouldn’t have worked anyway.

    Considering “The Aquaman” made it to 2 films, I figure Hasbro will be calling Jason Mamoa to star in a “Seaspray” movie any minute. Maybe have him cameo as Boat-guy-wity-parrot in a GI Joe movie, just for good measure.

    My hopes for James Gunns version are pretty high. PeaceMaker is so lovingly made.

    I do worry because I haven’t seen James Gunn take on the unironically uplifting side of DC yet, and it needs to be there for the DCU to work.

  • I’ve given up huge piles of cash by choosing to not work for megacorps.

    It’s worth it to me.

    Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals.

    The current trend line sucks, but we’ve seen plenty of times in history what the ultra rich ignoring the plight of everyone else looks like. Someone please pass the “not with them” list to me to sign when it’s time to chop their heads off.

    I wish I was joking, but I’m not. Seriously. I’m not with them. I would like to keep my head while we adjust course abruptly.

    Edit: To be clear, I am not advocating. What should happen is that our climate, inequality, and injustice trends get fixed through peaceful cooperation. But our current crop of billionaires don’t show a lot of sign of either wanting that, or having any real awareness of where their current path, historically, goes. Which wouldn’t really be material to me, other than beacuse I’m at risk both from the climate, and from how guillotines historically kill a lot of bystanders.

  • If you’re interested in that level of control, it’s time to look hard at GrapheneOS. “Internet” is a permission you can grant or deny for each app, under GrapheneOS.

    But I’m not aware of a way to selectively direct phone traffic through Proton VPN, at the phone. Even on GrapheneOS.

    Enough skill with an expensive router could do it, but only on your home network, or only while routing all of your phone traffic back to your home network via yet another VPN.

    Edit: TIL, Proton VPN supports split tunneling. Sweet! Look under Settings - Advanced - Split Tunneling - then pick your apps to include/exclude.

    Edit 2: TIL DivestOS also supports “Internet” as a per app Permission. Very cool.