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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This is such a bummer to hear. That makes sense because I have definitely not been working on high end phones. I’ve only worked on one where I needed to remove the back glass (which was a bitch until I figured it out!) but once I popped it open it wasn’t too bad. Sounds like things are getting worse and maybe won’t get better for a bit…

    I’m curious, do you ever see any type of DRM or software locks if you replace any components? I’m just a weekend warrior so I don’t work on a ton but I’ve tried to help out a friend or two by replacing components and there’s been a few times it seems like everything is in place but the phone just won’t allow the replaced components. I just assumed I messed something up but I’ve heard of some fishy business where phones won’t allow aftermarket components on some parts of the phone (I’ve mainly only had this issue dealing with switching out camera components)

  • I mean they’re still this “easy” for the most part. Obviously some are harder than others but I’ve changed plenty of post 2020 phones and they’re very similar to this. I would strongly argue that it should absolutely be waaaaay easier to do tho. I’ve only changed so many because it’s too difficult for most people and they know I can.

    It’s ridiculous how hard they’ve made these damn things to repair and it pisses me off that it’s even legal. We’re slooooowly making headway in the right to repair department but it’s really just kind of clawing back to where we were than actual progress.

  • Yeah screw those people being able to be happy and move to an area that doesn’t bend them over almost definitely worse than you. What assholes! They should have to stay in the downtown centers and pay $15 million to live in an old phone booth with a sink.

    This has the same energy of people being pissed off with student loan forgiveness or something. “If I had to deal with it, so should you! I can’t be happy so you can’t either blah blah”

  • Maybe I’m dumb but I just fail to see how moving to a streaming platform would actively prevent you from making original content. Like I get people aren’t buying DVDs but they rent stuff digitally and pay to watch your stuff online. Maybe the distribution of money is way different? But I would imagine if anything it would be easier and cheaper to get stuff out in front of people’s faces now. Like way easier. Instead of depending only on a theatrical release or possibly a made for tv movie or straight to dvd movie, you just get it on a streaming platform or hell even just YouTube or some random website. You can spend as much or as little as you want on it. What am I missing?

    If anything I think they’re just greenlighting all these remakes because it’s easy money. People complain but they still pay out the ass to see it. If they didn’t make money they wouldn’t make them, plain and simple. I could be totally wrong here but that’s just what it feels like

  • You’re totally right. I misspoke. I should have said the largest demographic I suppose. I meant that users under the age of like 21 are by far the biggest “piece of the pie” of users.

    I’d push back a little that it’s not a kids app tho. I think they are targeting teens and young adults as the primary demographic but I could definitely be persuaded out of that. But having worked in a high school for the last 4 years, I can at least say that tik tok is those kids LIFE lol. It is all they think about. Eat sleep and dream tik tok with like YouTube and Instagram in the background.

    Also I didn’t mean at all that the app was pushing “minor” content or fetishizing young kids or anything in any way. That’s my mistake if it came off like that. I more meant to ask if the user was okay with users giving their data away even if they were a teenager as they would obviously be either much less “informed” or just don’t care about where their personal data is sent or why.

    But I guess it doesn’t matter. This is like the tenth time I’ve asked an honest question just got down voted a ton and not even answered lol I guess the lesson is to just not ask questions idk my bad

  • I’ve been in this game for a good bit now and while I’ve seen a bunch of go getters put in ridiculous hours and slave away and actually get promoted, I have seen faaaaaaar more just get promoted for being in the right place at the right time or, most times, being the child, spouse, in-law, or friend of someone high up in the company. In my experience your social standing or just plain luck accounts for about 90% of it. The other 10% isn’t the work you do, it’s the work they think you do.