I don’t want support (because I’m no server admin). An answer how it’s possible, or not is enough.
I don’t want support (because I’m no server admin). An answer how it’s possible, or not is enough.
"Not looking, not looking at your penis at all. " … “So sorry about your penis.” [Little Britain]
Can I access mastodon with my lemmy account?
French is so difficult to learn because of the pronunciation. Spanish is much easier to learn in comparison. I don’t get why all school in Germany prefer French as third language before Spanish.
Easiest way: put a little weight on the Part which close the valve/plunger.
A bit harder: try to clean the bottom/o-ring of the valve/plunger.
There are different ways. Do you have a picture?
Greetings from the Netherlands?
Fluent in Italian or face the battalion.
Yeah. After a while you know, how it works and can beat the system (and yourself) which does not make any sense.
If you use it for sçhool, or a private course I can recomend QUIZLET. You can connect units from other users, or create your own. It’s a bit like a free Version of PHASE 6 (I only know the free Version of QUIZLET…)
But it’s totaly not like DUOLINGO.
Ach Gott, jetzt hab ichs. Den Running Gag fand ich immer peinlich schlimm. Die Geister die ich rief.
Ich stelle mir dein Bild, verschmolzen mit meinem über MS Paint, vor. Ohne transparentem Hintergrund natürlich. Pittoresk
Bei mir kratzt nur das Bahnhofsschild an der Schädeldecke. Wie meinen?
Wasn’t this a Frequenzy thing? When your Monitor works with 100 Hz your SAD light shouldn’t have 100 Hz, too?
I have made this foto, because I thought the guy is pi$$Ing in the glas. But now I think it’s a wooden hammer to get the valve in the barrel.
… noodle meep meep moo moo moo
noodle moo, noodle moo
noodle meep meep moo moo moo …
Glad its not: