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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it’s happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we’re doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

    & altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

    ( I’m not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

    so, I can’t understand your position.

    Please don’t deem my comment worthy of answering: I’m only putting this here for the record, is all.

    Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world’ll still be fine.

    1. insightful question,

    2. it isnt just the internet, in case you hadn’t noticed, it is ALL civil-rights that are being gutted, in the enshittocene.

    “once the infection has moved the ‘fulcrum’, the balance between the involuntary-host & the infection, far enough, it can then switch from symbiosis to totalitarian rampaging growth-at-any-cost, excluding-all-vital-functions, enforcing its parasitic & fatal consumption, killing the patient”

    A tipping-point is being crossed, though it’s taking a few decades ( planets are slower than individual-animals, in experiencing infection ).

    It’s our rendition of The Great Filter, in-which we enforce that we can’t be viable, because factional-ideology “needs” that we break all viability from the world.

    Or, to be plainer, it is our race’s unconscious toddler setting-up a world-breaking tantrum, to “BREAK GOD AND MAKE GOD OBEY” its won’t-grow-up.

    Read Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow”, & see how the imprint->reaction mind, Kahneman1 ( he calls it “System 1”, but without context, that’s meaningless ) substitutes easy-to-answer questions for the actual questions…

    The more you read that book, the most important psychology book in the whole world, right now, the more obvious it is that Ideology/prejudice/assumption-river/religion/dogma is doing all it can to break considered-reasoning ( Kahneman2 ) from the whole world, and it is succeeding/winning.

    “Proletariat dictatorship” the Leninists want, “populist dictatorship” the fascists want, religious totalitarianism, political totalitarianism, ideological totalitarianism, etc, it’s all Kahneman1 fighting to break considered-reasoning from the whole world, and the “disappearing” of all comments criticizing Threads from the Threads portion of the internet … is perfectly normal.

    It’s simply highjacking of our entire civilization, by the systems which want exclusive dominion.

    Have you checked your youtube account’s settings section, in the history section, to see what percentage of your comments have been disappeared??

    Do it.

    Everybody do it.

    Discover how huge a percentage of your contribution to the “community” got disappeared, because it wasn’t what their algorithm finds usefully-sensationalistic, or usefully-pushing-whatever-they-find-acceptable.

    I spent a few hours deleting ALL my comments from there, after seeing that around 1/2 of what I’d contributed had been disappeared.

    There are a few comments now, but … they’ll be removed, either by yt or by me, soon.

    No point in pretending that meaning is tolerable, anymore, you know?

    Only fakery & hustle remains, for most of the internet, & that transformation’s going to be complete, in a few years.

    1984, but for-profit.

    Sorry for the … dim … view, but it’s been unfolding for a couple decades, & it’s getting blatent, fast.