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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

  • I keep seeing this BS getting spread so here’s an actual quote from one of the justices on the SC.

    Sotomayor warned that the ruling “will have disastrous consequences for the Presidency and for our democracy” and that it sends the message: “Let the President violate the law, let him exploit the trappings of his office for personal gain, let him use his official power for evil ends.”

    She added, “Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

    I have no idea why so many people from the reddit/lemmy demographic feel compelled to downplay and “well akshully” this shit. People should be in the streets burning shit right now. Or we could just wait and see, I guess

  • I’m honestly not a fan of the government deciding which version of a religion is correct, and I’m even less into the gov enforcing targeted dress codes. It seems super authoritarian to me and I can’t really see how it could be a good thing.

    I’d consider myself anti-theist but still, I don’t see how you can live in a free society and let the government have that power

    That said, I’m open to learning how this could be a positive/negative and whether or not it would create a group of second class citizens.

  • One difference is there was already value with having a gmail account. What’s the point of getting a Microsoft account? The only thing I can see is it makes settings set up/transfer easy between PCs and for reinstalls.

    Except, if I’m reinstalling, I can’t imagine waiting to copy settings since one of those settings is probably causing a problem and I don’t want it to be automatically set for me. I also don’t use the Microsoft store so…

    Does anyone else actually get value from their Microsoft account? If not, It just feels like it’s only purpose is giving them (more) access to your computer. Why would anyone want that?

  • I don’t think anyone called you a nazi; you’re assuming that.

    You need to work on your ability to communicate effectively with others. I don’t think you yourself would react positively/the way you wish others would, if someone spoke/wrote to you that way. Literally no one owes you anything - even a response. A response from someone more knowledgeable than ourselves, especially on this platform, is generous and something to appreciate. If you’re ok with responses from people that don’t care about things like being respectful, carry on and ignore everything I said