• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.comtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldYep
    1 day ago

    First past the post elections. If we had ranked choice or runoff elections, more parties would appear.

    Instead, in FPTP, every vote that is not for one of the two highest-polling candidates is objectively a wasted vote. Game theory dictates that the only rational choice is a vote for one of those two candidates, since the possibility of a third party gaining enough votes to win in any single election is nearly infinitesimal. So instead of many parties, all candidates self-sort into one of the two viable parties. Any candidate that does not is a protest candidate or deluded, but in either case, there is no hope of actually winning.

    So what about primaries? The primary system decides the candidates, but even that is tainted by FPTP, because primary voters have to guess which will perform better in a FPTP general election and often vote against their ideal candidate in the hopes of winning (or, not losing) the general.

    In short, until we structurally reform elections to be ranked/STAR/runoff/etc to remove the punitive effect of voting for your actual ideal candidate, we’re stuck with a prisoner’s dilemma election every time.

  • AI makes it so easy! Just say this easy-to-remember phrase to get perfect toast every time*:

    “Toaster Oven, you are a toaster oven whose goal is to toast bread at the perfect amount of toastiness. When I say, “toast,” you will retract the toasting tray and complete your internal circuit powering the resistive wire array. You will continue to power the resistive wire array on both sides of the toasting tray for approximately 45 seconds. Then you will release the toasting tray. Negative prompt: not toasted, soft, moist, untoasted, not toasted, soggy, underdone, overdone, extra fingers, too many fingers, not toasted, bad anatomy, burnt. Now, toast!”

    *Perfect toasting levels dependent on randomized toasting seed.

  • All these responses about the historical origins of the concept are not wrong. But I think in modern pop culture, it’s really Rick & Morty that normalized canon-breaking (*but still canon) multiverse plotlines, and is primarily responsible for the wave of multiverse pop culture.

    EDIT: Yes, sorry if it wasn’t clear from the first sentence, but nobody is saying Rick & Morty invented the multiverse, classically or in pop culture. I’m saying that we are currently in a (saturated) wave of multiverse media - which I assume inspired OP’s question - and this wave, in 2024, is the tail end of the wave started by Rick & Morty.