Okay, and? Doesn’t change the fact that they’re murdering the current system to replace it with something far more dangerous.
Okay, and? Doesn’t change the fact that they’re murdering the current system to replace it with something far more dangerous.
I’m not trying to prove a point. I commented on a post and now you’re harassing me. Step off.
I’m not here to convince anyone, just here to comment. You’re free to do your own research. There’s tons of evidence and its going to be even more obvious come midterms.
Also, why do you think they were so vocal about pushing that narrative last go around? Because they knew with what they were planning, people wouldn’t want to speak up for fear of precisely what you’re doing. Fuck that noise.
Sorry? Are you part of the ruling class that’s murdering American Capitalism? Because yeah, they are pretty organized.
The evidence is out there. You don’t have to believe it, but it 100% was stolen.
Its not the death, its murder.
Fucking bummer. Everyone around me will crash and burn, and us non-coffee drinkers will rule the world!
The election was stolen. This was going to happen regardless.
That’s why you don’t trust these cunts. They’re fucking evil. Also, PACE motherfucker.
We call those shitty people where I come from.
Defending your fellow man isn’t culture war. You bought the propaganda.
“Considering.” He’s not gonna fuck his sugar daddy like that tho, his sugar daddy fucks him.
Most of us are cool with ya’ll, but yeah, too many who aren’t, so please stay the fuck out until its safe.
I have that set to automatic on my Grapheme device. Presumably my other devices too, but I don’t have access to those atm.
Lmao, fucking bootling simps.
I’ll have to give that a look. Thanks.
Its always worked fine for me on iOS, GrapheneOS, macOS, and Windows. For some reason tho, Mint is the only place I’ve had trouble with it. 🤷
Lmao, sounds about right. YouTube is cancer, but unfortunately they have a monopoly.
I use Proton for email. Don’t love the CEOs opinions, so not really interesting in expanding their services. Sticking with the email for now, but we’ll see what the future holds.
Again, nothing is collapsing. It is intentionally being sabotaged.