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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    15 hours ago

    If our aim is to limit unneeded abortions

    The only “unneeded” abortions are those that are forced on the mother against her will. Every other abortion is “needed”. (We have not previously considered forced abortions in this discussion, and I see no compelling reason to delve into them now. I mention them only in demonstration that the mother’s needs are valid, so the only abortion that is “unneeded” is the one that she has determined to be unneeded: an abortion forced upon her without her consent.)

    The second part is dangerous because it could lessen actual amount of help for victims.

    The only “help” our hypothetical victim has requested is an abortion, and she hasn’t requested it from you. She has requested it from someone ready, willing, and able to provide that help. Neither she nor that provider want you to be involved at all. She hasn’t asked for your help; she doesn’t want your help. Why are you choosing to involve yourself? What “help” are you going to force on her against her will?

    About last point: I choose to presume consent

    I’ll stop you right there. The rest of your argument is likely true, but the truthfulness of that second part does not justify the first part. You don’t get to make that “choice”.

    The only time it is reasonable to presume consent is when you are actually presuming innocence. Where an individual is accused of committing a crime by acting without consent, presumption of innocence requires us to presume consent until proven otherwise beyond the shadow of a doubt. As our situation does not involve anyone accused of a criminal act, there is no valid justification to presume consent.

    #You may never infer consent from silence.

    If your personal code of morality only allows you to accept abortion in the case of non-consent, you may presume non-consent. You can satisfy your own morality by accepting the possibility that she was raped, and just doesn’t want to talk about it. You can simply presume she meets your arbitrary criteria; you have no need to actually prove her status to any degree of certainty.

  • Convince Biden to drop out of the race about a week before the Democratic National Convention, citing health reasons, and name a millennial candidate who grew up on a farm with wind turbines and solar panels, before enlisting for 2+ terms, and moving to a middle-class area of a blue state after separating. Turn the convention into a media frenzy, energizing the Democratic base.

    Undercuts Trump among rural Americans and veterans. Reverses all of Trump’s old and senile attacks against Biden, as he suddenly becomes the geriatric candidate. Keeps all of Biden’s supporters, while stepping away from the “genocide” criticism.

    Basically, if Biden backs out a week before the convention and names someone in their 40’s, they can run on a platform of “Ok, boomer” and reach 270.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    23 hours ago

    However, the mental jump to then switching the logic around that any woman looking for abortion was raped is simply illogical

    I agree, but I didn’t say that they were raped. I said you could presume they were raped. You are perfectly capable of making and choosing to make that presumption.

    I think that yes, women would have to admit to being a victim to receive medical help. There’s simply hardly any other way.

    There most certainly is another way. You are under no obligation to ask. You don’t need to create an obligation for her to tell. Even if you did ask and she did tell, she could have some reason for lying and claiming it was consensual when it actually wasn’t, so you can ignore any answer she gives.

    The “other way” is to allow you to presume that she meets whatever criteria you believe necessary to justify and permit abortion. If you need to believe she was raped, presume she was raped. If you need her life to be in danger, go right ahead and presume her life is in danger.

    One last point: You are under zero obligation to presume that her sexual encounters were consensual. If you choose to presume consent, I’d like to know your rationale for doing so. And I’d like to know how fairly you will be treating a rape victim seeking an abortion if you presume consent that was not granted.

  • Ok. So she has been raped.

    Is she obligated to report that rape? Is she obligated to accuse someone? Is she obligated to prove she has been raped? Is she obligated to cooperate with an investigation into her rape? Is she obligated to even claim she had been raped?

    The answers are “No, No, No, No, and No”. Since she is not and should never be under any sort of obligation to do any of these things, you don’t know and can’t know that she was raped. Yet, by your argument, as a victim, she is entitled to an abortion.

    With your philosophy, you could presume that any particular woman seeking an abortion has been raped, and is simply not reporting it for whatever reason. She is entitled to her abortion.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    1 day ago

    If it is a person, then yes, it could be considered a rapist, and subject to forcible removal at the mother’s will. If it is not a person, it is merely an unexpected growth, and subject to forcible removal at the mother’s will.

    The ridiculousness of the former scenario tells us that, for purposes of deciding whether the mother is entitled to remove it, the fetus should not be considered a person.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldgotdamn
    1 day ago

    Wetting is a rather complex topic. Basically, yes.

    Not all solids can be wetted. Wax, for example: water beads up on a waxed surface; it does not actually wet the surface.

    Not all “wetting” involves water. Soldering and brazing involve “wetting” base materials with a molten filler metal. Dripping molten metal on the base material does not necessarily “wet” it either: the molten filler can “bead” just like water on wax. When it solidifies, the filler metal is not bonded to the unwetted base metal.

  • It’s actually a pretty simple question, and has a simple, straightforward answer. The fetus does not become alive until its survival needs can be feasibly met by someone or something other than the mother. Until it is biologically capable of surviving the death of the mother, it is alive only as a part of the mother’s body.

    An infant does require considerable support. It will die if neglected. But, the support an infant requires can be provided by any caregiver. Dad, grandma, or an older sibling can feed an infant. Doctors can provide it with IV nutrition.

    Nobody but mom can “feed” an immature fetus.

  • I assert that flies in the face with the 2a - a well organized regulated militia is INHERENTLY NOT: the unorganized militia

    My argument is not in conflict with your assertion. I don’t need to rebut it. Quite the contrary, your assertion supports my position.

    The only constitutionally valid conclusion we can draw from your assertion is that the unorganized class of the militia is not adequately regulated.

    Since I am calling for additional regulation in the form of mandated training, I can accept your assertion. I can have you expand on your point, and ask what additional regulations you believe are necessary and appropriate to impose upon the whole of the people, the unorganized militia.

    You cannot prohibit or prevent the unorganized militia from keeping or bearing arms. Congress does not have that power. But, you do have the power to regulate the unorganized militia. What additional regulations do you want to impose upon yourself and all of us?

    I want mandated training on safe gun handling and the laws governing use of force.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    2 days ago

    you’ve offered a lot of text but zero citations that support your argument

    Are you being intellectually lazy, or are you arguing in bad faith?

    10 USC 246.

    I have cited it multiple times now. While I prefer to use the broader, constitutional meaning, the legislated definition, codified as 10 USC 246 is sufficient to demonstrate my point.

  • It’s all bullshit, neither she nor they are a militia in any logical sense

    I will be happy to consider your argument if and when you provide a definition of militia. As you have not provided any such definition, your argument above is meaningless.

    You really are convinced this is a thing…

    I have ample justification for that conviction. You can disagree, of course, but you have provided no logical basis for that disagreement. Again, you will need to provide and support a contrary definition of “militia” as it is used in Article I and 2A in order to rationally make your claims.

    Based on your suggestion to enlist if I wanted to secure the nation, I suspect that your definition of “militia” will be more consistent with how the founding fathers used the terms “armies” and “Navy” than how they used “militia”.

    I do think we can agree that the modern usage of “militia” to mean a “privately organized paramilitary group” is not at all what is meant by the second amendment. Those ass clowns are closer to “insurrectionists” than “militia”.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    3 days ago

    Biden doesn’t have to accept the nomination. He can hang on as the presumptive nominee, forcing Trump to attack him on age and infirmity, alienating the AARP and everyone with an elderly parent or grandparent.

    Then, Biden drops out of the race just before the Democratic National Convention, which turns into a media frenzy, and we end up with a millennial candidate who can run on an “Ok, Boomer” platform.

  • I did enlist, 24 years ago. The proper epithet for me is “Chairborne Ranger”, not “Gravy Seal”.

    I do agree with you: what the constitution refers to as the militia is not the various “gaggles of fuckwits” that regularly claim the title. Those nitwits calling themselves “militia” and dressing up in military surplus are some weird motherfuckers, but they are only “militia” in the same sense that that the local PTA, or an adult, recreational soccer league, or a knitting circle are “militia”. It is their status as members of the citizenry that makes them militia, not their participation in some sort of outdoor paramilitary adventure club.

    As you have never learned what “militia” actually means, it is unsurprising that you have never learned the difference between “militia” and “military”.

    The militia is charged with providing the security of a free state. The militia may be called forth to enforce law, suppress insurrection, and repel invasion. The military can only perform that last function.

    Under the Posse Comitatus act, the military is expressly prohibited from enforcement of law and suppression of insurrection. Those activities may only be performed by the militia. The various people being paid to perform those activities have been “called forth” for that purpose, but one need not be formally “called forth” to act.

    A woman walking across a parking lot, clutching the little can of pepper spray on her keychain, is not a “gaggle of fuckwits”.

    Her presence deterring would-be criminals from attacking herself or anyone else in the area is an action envisioned by the Second Amendment. She is a militiaman. She is providing the security of a free state.

    If the only weapon she chooses to carry is aerosolized taco sauce, she is also in dire need of better training. Congress has been negligent in its duty to effectively train her, or the rest of the general public who comprise the militia.

    When we teach her how to use a gun, when to use a gun, when not to use a gun, we also provide that same lesson to the “gaggles of fuckwits” you are referring to, reducing how “fuckwit” they are. We also show her would-be attackers that she is a much harder target, not worth the risk.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldOh Joe...
    3 days ago

    The US is getting an old man no matter what.

    I dunno about that anymore.

    Biden could hang on until August, leaving Trump to run all the old, senile attacks he wants. Biden backs out just prior to the Democratic National Convention for health reasons, and suddenly this pro-forma event turns into a media circus. The convention churns out a Millennial candidate who just spends 80 days saying “Ok, boomer” as many times as possible.

  • Is there anything you have done for which, if I had done the same actions, I would be irredeemable?

    Is there anything that you have done, for which if I had done, you would expect me to jump into the volcano?

    Feel free to judge yourself just a tiny bit more harshly than you would judge others. But only slightly. Give yourself as much of a break as you would give me after expressing remorse for my actions.

  • I think that to be eligible to be president, your age as of the last day of your next term should be less than the life expectancy of your constituents. You want to serve longer, you better make sure your constituents live longer.

    As far as Biden stepping aside, I don’t think it’s a bad idea at all. Find a 40- to 50-year-old combat veteran who grew up with wind turbines and solar panels on her family farm, and has been living and working in a blue state for the past 5+ years. Have her run on a platform of “Ok, Boomer”.

    Juxtapose a picture of her running with a pack and rifle against a doctor looking at X-rays of a foot with a magnifying glass. Photos of her family’s wind farm against headlines of Trump denouncing wind turbines. Her smiling at an award or promotion ceremony against Trump’s scowling mugshot.

  • Rivalarrival@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldRock Eagle Flag
    3 days ago

    By that logic - there has been no call-up of militia.

    You don’t get called up to the militia. You get called forth from the militia. In joining the Army, you were, indeed, called forth from the militia and you answered that call. Your right to keep and bear arms was not contingent on there having been a call, nor on you answering a call. The right was guaranteed to you, because you have the individual and collective responsibility to secure the state.

    no uniformity in your ‘militia’, regarding equipment training and supply does not represent a well regulated militia.

    Don’t tell me. Tell Congress that you want to be subjected to additional regulation in your role as a militiaman. They seem to think that they have enough regulation on the militia already. You tell me what else you think you should be required to do. Not to secure your right to keep and bear arms: they are expressly prohibited from infringing in gun ownership. They can’t stop you from owning a gun, but they can compel you to participate in militia training, as you are a member of the militia.

  • What is the militia?

    That isn’t a flippant question. I’d like a serious answer.

    I’d like to know both the constitutional definition of “militia”, as used in Article I Section 8 and 2nd Amendment, as well as the legislative definition, as codified in 10 USC 246.

    The answers I have learned are that the militia is “the whole body of the people” (constitutional meaning) and “every able bodied male citizen, aged 17 to 45”. (Legislative, paraphrased)

    When you algebraically substitute either of those answers back into the 2nd amendment, you arrive at the only reasonable perspective: The whole body of the people, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

    “But what about the well regulated part? Isn’t the militia unregulated?”

    The militia is regulated under the powers granted to Congress under Article I Section 8 parts 15 and 16. Congress does have some regulations governing the militia. They have enacted legislation defining what part of the militia they intend to call forth, and how they intend to do that. They have enacted legislation obligating every male to register with selective service. They can enact many, many more regulations on the whole of the militia. If you feel YOU are not adequately regulated, I suggest you notify your congressional representatives, as they are the only ones currently empowered to adjust regulation of the militia.

    You’ll have my support; I specifically called for such regulation in my last post.

    TL;DR: You don’t get to complain about a lack of regulation when I’m specifically asking for more regulation.

  • This is where Finland and Sweden excel. Because they have mandatory military service, everyone with a gun has been trained in all aspects of it’s use/care.

    Article I Section 8 parts 15 and 16 empower Congress to require such training every member of the militia, and they have indicated that the militia is comprised of every able bodied male citizen, aged 17 to 45. (10 USC 246)

    Congress can require training on safe handling. They can require training on the laws governing use of force in self defense and defense of others. They don’t need to mandate additional military or militia service to achieve this.