Rom [he/him]

Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • So a few things I’m curious about… how would Biden have changed the SCOTUS ruling on Roe? He can’t just unilaterally overrule them, and any bills for women’s rights that you try to push through congress will get nuked by the conservatives. What’s left?

    If he’s so powerless to do anything why should I vote for him? Literally what have the Dems ever done with regards to abortion rights, other than using it for fundraising? Why do conservatives have all the power to do whatever ghoulish shit they want yet Dems are entirely powerless to do anything about it? Why didn’t the Democrats try to enshrine abortions rights into law during one of the three times they had control of the House, Senate, and presidency during the nearly 50 years Roe was in effect (once each during Carter, Clinton, and Obama)? I want them to do fucking anything about it, because despite all the lip service, as far as I can tell they don’t actually give a shit. “The GOP would block it” is not an excuse for not even trying.

    Regarding the minimum wage… Yes there are still some sectors that are exempted, but Biden did push through an increase to $15/hr that covered a lot of workers. Big surprise, the only ones to challenge this increase were the GOP.

    Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema were both Democrats and they blocked minimum wage from passing. If the Democratic Party can’t even get their own people in line to pass the most basic things why should I vote for them? The $15 minimum wage Biden enacted only covered federal workers, which is 370,000 / 164.5 million = 0.22% of the entire US work force. And raising the minimum wage was a campaign promise, which he immediately dropped after one attempt and hasn’t tried again. Why should anyone believe any promise he makes in the next six months if all he can manage is one (1) half-assed attempt at raising the minimum wage to one that was barely enough to live on a decade ago, let alone now after massive inflation?

    What else can anyone do about COVID?

    Literally anything??? They did a whole bunch of shit in 2020. More stimulus checks, protections for workers, mandatory paid time off for anyone who tests positive, literally just not ending the things they were already doing. COVID never went away, it’s still killing people. Yet they just decided “whelp the pandemic is over, everyone back to work” and COVID was going to be a thing that kills people from now on. He’s the president of the united states, it’s literally his job to figure this shit out.

    I just meant that yeah this is a big blunder and I have no objection to holding him partially responsible for this

    You should be holding him entirely responsible for this. He’s fully aware of what he’s doing and what the weapons are being used for. There’s no excuse for genocide.

    It’s worth noting though that nearly all of Congress is also introducing and voting for bills to provide aid to Israel’s genocide.

    Fuck all of them too tbh. amerikkka isntrael

  • Criticism of Biden is not an endorsement of Trump. No one here is advocating for Trump. No one here is voting for Trump.

    Yeah Biden is a fairly typical politician, but what has he done wrong other than Israel?

    “other than Israel” like his lifelong, unwavering support for a genocidal apartheid state is just a little whoopsie-doodle and he isn’t knowingly and willingly arming an entire fucking genocide. Fuck you.

    But besides that: He has failed to protect trans rights, has failed to protect women’s rights (Roe was overturned under Biden, remember), has failed to raise the minimum wage, has drilled for more oil than any other president in history, has made no meaningful actions towards climate change, has expanded Trump’s racist border policies, he’s warmongering with China and Iran, refuses to cancel student loans, sent uniformed thugs after people peacefully protesting his awful decisions, busted a rail strike, has done nothing about COVID (which is still happening), and he still owes me $1400. To say nothing of all the racist policies and warmongering he supported during his decades as a politician before becoming president.

  • we’ve read the same article

    I don’t think we have, because if you did, you would have read that Columbia has issued an arrest warrant for this man. So no, it is not mob justice when people spread the name of the pedophile Timothy Alan Livingston of Cleveland, Ohio, who has a Colombian arrest warrant issued for him because he, over the course of one night, attempted to bring at least four different underage girls into his hotel room in an attempt to have sex with them.

    You keep defending this pedophile and it’s creepy as fuck. Reconsider the decisions you’ve made that have brought you to this point in your life.


    The events began on the night of March 27th at around nine o’clock, when Livingston attempted to enter his room at the Gotham City Hotel in Medellin with what appeared to be two underage girls. A hotel staff member prevented their entry, so Livingston and the girls left the hotel located in the famous ‘El Poblado’ district.

    Hours later, around four o’clock in the morning on March 28th, with no security checks at the establishment’s entrance, the American managed to enter his room with two different underage girls aged 12 and 13, as evidenced by security camera footage.

    Following an anonymous call to the national police, the authorities arrived at the hotel and inspected the premises but found no evidence of the accused touching the minors, and both girls denied being touched. The 36-year-old suspect was detained for 12 hours at a Protection Transfer Center (CTP) but was released hours later, allowing him to return to his country on Monday, March 29th. The girls were seen by security cameras leaving the hotel calmly, seemingly counting several Colombian 50,000-peso bills.

    Did someone frame him into twice bringing underaged girls to his hotel room in an area known for sex trafficking, including putting used condoms in his wastebasket? Or do you think it’s the far simpler explanation that he is a pedophile who was caught in the act?

    You do not, in fact, need to run defense for pedophiles.