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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • Useful idiots

    Liberals joke that leftists just blow with the wind from one controversy to the next. But I can’t help but notice the pro-Biden “left” shifted hard from “there is no genocide in Gaza” to “genocide is an acceptable side effect of democracy” without skipping a beat or looking back or acknowledging the complicity of the Democratic Party that allowed fascists to rise to power.

    Almost like the petit bourgeois liberals stoking these fires don’t really care about left issues at all.

  • It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.

    The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.

    They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.

    And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.

    Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.

  • SOMETHINGSWRONG@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldmeme
    19 hours ago

    It’s honestly hilarious how these liberals are mentally incapable of getting it.

    If they genuinely do not see how Democrats have been the steadfast accomplice of the fascist “Overton ratchet,” they are either malicious or incompetent.

    Sure copy and paste that list of Biden accomplishments again. As if the sweeping failures of the Dems aren’t well known at this point. Glass Steagall. PATRIOT. Citizens United. Obamacare. Kavanaugh. Roe vs Wade. The dismantling of SAVE.

    Keep appeasing the literal fucking fascists yall claim to be such an existential threat. Because appeasement totally works, that’s why liberals keep doing it!

    Like, yall know these fuckers play buddy buddy with each other in D.C.? The only ones willing to call out the bullshit of being friendly in the halls and calling for your death in the chamber are Squad members.

    Yes I’m fucking voting Biden you exhausting dense insufferable fascist enablers. And I’m going to laugh my ass off when they throw your asses in the same camp as me.

  • Lmao @ the Americans getting all uncomfortable trying to weasel out of this

    Yeah bullshit it’s “not mandatory,” how can you have such a basic denial of reality?

    Totally optional, that’s why every time some kid understands and abstains, the teachers and other students bully them mercilessly, give them detention, suspension, expulsion, and it makes national news whenever someone actually tries.

    I bet joining the NSDAP was fucking optional too, don’t try to deny your christofascism that everyone just accepts because somehow it’s better when America does it

  • Apple Maps also straight up gives objectively better audio guidance (e.g. “move to the right lane to turn right at the next light” vs “turn right in 300 feet”).

    Additionally the “directions” portion of the screen has large font and is clearly visible compared to Google’s tiny font on a window the size of 10% of the screen to show you more ads. (Yes, the reason some business appear at all zoom levels while others only pop up at street level is ads)

    What a fall from grace. I remember when Apple Maps would direct people to drive through halfway built overpasses with 500 feet of open air at the end because it’s not built yet.

  • The cruelest part of late stage capitalism is that these immigrants would probably have enjoyed a better life back home.

    Sure many are refugees escaping violence or truly desperate conditions.

    But many are also normal-ass people that were sold the lie of the Western/American dream. People that struggle to learn English in adulthood (much harder than as a child), have no specialized degree or skill, and no family in the states.

    People that could have joined the normal working class at home with less debt, less stress, and less discrimination and led mostly normal lives in their own culture.

    Sure the Western consumer has nice electronics and Nike shoes, etc. But everyone seems to be in denial about the impending collapse of the entire economy and how dire the lives of the workers are right now.

    It’s going to be a rough century and it’s only getting started.