Usually civilian targets are avoided because it galvanizes the population’s opinion to pro war but in Russia’s case it doesn’t seem to matter much anymore.
Vance doesn’t know that
Insult Musk on Twitter, wait until posts are censored, sue X for not having freedom of speech. How’s that for American values?
Sci-fi comedy predicting the future again.
It’s from the movie Idiocracy.
but this is really about predicting what trump will do
Trump plays pigeon chess — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.
It’s football. Attacking civilians because they wave around the wrong flag, or just wearing the wrong color of t-shirt or scarf is reason enough for a beating.
That’s probably the perception. Democrats have been in power for 4 years, things didn’t get better for a lot of people and then they say to vote for them for more of the same. Surprisingly that doesn’t help with voter enthusiasm. They’ll have more chance next time with messaging things won’t get worse with them after Trump mishandled stuff.
Simple, good-sounding things they want to hear is what wins elections these days.
Robocop tube begins playing. OCP starts construction of Delta City.
The only winning move is not too buy
Alright, what are the best options for blocking mentions of Trump? Last term there was so much noise from that guy or about him.
There are plenty other wacko ways people got themselves in the hospital if that’s your kink. The one with the girl that overdosed on gummies because she wanted spicy food was fun.
Sounds like the perfect excuse to subject any vehicle coming from a country that deals with Russia (cough China) to some additional time consuming bomb checks. They can’t say it’s tarrifs or unappropriate as there is a legitimate threat made.
Sounds like a good time to rewatch the Tom Scott video about timezones and the descent into madness again
It’s a bit of a shock after years of hearing that this thing will happen in the future, to realize that the future has arrived and it’s within our lifetime. Kinda how you look back and suddenly realize that your favorite movie is now closer to world war 2 than it is to present time, but it still feels like last year.
Engineers: we can’t make transistors smaller because they wouldn’t work because of those quantum effects
Different engineers: but what if we use quantum effects as the basis to make smaller transistors work
In my mind, this is the only correct backdrop for that bowl.