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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024

  • In fairness, it’s basically on-demand campaigns. So it probably depends very very heavily where you are. I looked though the reviews.

    Admittedly their onboarding could be better, but it’s fast (2 days from interview to start), just during any given campaign season most people are learning for a while, the campaign swells ahead of the Election Day and then almost everyone goes back to whatever else they were doing. They do have a core HR team to handle important stuff like getting paid.

    And yeah, canvassing is long hours, but it is still well paid for what they ask of you.

  • SolarMonkey@slrpnk.nettoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldPedal To The Metal
    1 day ago

    If you live in a swing state, or can temp relocate to a swing state, and want to get paid for progressive outreach (who really has the luxury to volunteer? Not me…) Check out https://www.theoutreachteam.net/jobs

    I’ve worked with them in 2020 and presently. That link doesn’t give me any bonuses, but they do have recruitment incentives if you have friends to get involved. Pay is decent, and they offer insurance on day 1. It’s obviously a limited term contract, but if you need funds, it’s a great way to get income and make a difference at the same time!

  • I oppose this candidate on the mandatory naps. Idk what else they stand for but that’s a big turn off for me, as a single-issue voter.

    I can’t nap. Naps are literally nightmare fuel for me, in that every time I nap I have horribly realistic and super vivid nightmares.

    I’m gunna start the anti-napping coalliance to defeat this absolute whacko. Preserve freedom!!!

    (The nightmares bit is true, the rest is in jest)

  • Women/female bodies basically stop growing entirely about 2 years after menarche (first period), regardless when that hits. And once menarche hits they only grow another 1-3 inches, typically.

    For some girls, myself included, menarche was around 9 years old (the historical normal age of menarche was around 15 years, as far as we can tell, and that age has been going down in modern history) meaning I didn’t really get a chance to grow before my body stopped being able to do so. I have not grown since I was 12. Had I been able to delay puberty by a few years, I may have ended up average instead of 2 standard deviations below average. On the plus side I can wear kids stuff sometimes.

    Male puberty doesn’t work that way quite as dramatically, since puberty includes growth spurts through the early-mid 20s, but eventual adult height for men is still based on the height they are when the growth spurts start.

    Here’s a really surface level resource that explains further about female puberty if you are interested in learning more.


  • SolarMonkey@slrpnk.nettomemes@lemmy.worldIt did hurt, actually
    13 days ago

    Haha, I totally understand. I don’t trust those guides at all.

    I’m a language lover myself (I like learning, but after trying for many years with multiple languages, I’m not super into practice ;) so I learn about how languages work instead!) and if there’s anything I’ve learned about language it is this:

    It does not matter how you sound or what you actually say as long as the message you intended to get across actually gets across to whomever you mean to hear it. If people mispronounce, it is usually either regional (and thus correct for them) or something they read and have never heard anyone say. If they use the wrong word but it’s kinda right, they are probably language learners.

    This was galvanized for me when I took an art history class as a general education credit in college. I learned that clerestory is pronounced clear-story. I’d only ever read the word before that, and thought it was more in line with modern patterns to be CLE-rest-ory, which is embarrassingly wrong. I’d been reading it that way for years.

    Your sister sounds like a language prescriptivist, and they are always wrong, because language simply doesn’t work like that.

  • It has gotten to the point where the people I know just wholly believe almost everything I say, unless I preface or follow up with “I’m pretty sure that’s right but now I’m gunna double check” (and if I’m wrong because of new info, or I misremembered something, I totally own it, and read the correction from someone else out loud)

    I could so very easily horribly mislead all the people I know, because I’m a random information machine, but I almost never say things I’m not entirely sure about without the preface or follow up combined with actively looking it up and setting the record straight. If I turned evil, it would take them years to realize it was intentional.

    New people are fun. They challenge me a lot on things I don’t need to preface or follow up. Never works out that well for them, but we get to learn about each other!

  • SolarMonkey@slrpnk.nettoComic Strips@lemmy.worldGrocery Shopping
    13 days ago

    Afaik, the closest walmart is way further than an actual grocery store, since we shut down their plans to pave a marshy woodland to set up a super center eyesore just across the highway (walking distance from my place; that would have been a nightmare). idk, I haven’t shopped there in over 20 years. Don’t really plan to start now for the sake of convenience, since that’s how we got that mess in the first place, but I appreciate the info all the same :)

  • Around here, that stuff tacks on a huge convenience fee for pick and pack, making it actively not worth doing. Last I looked, it was some $18 fee no matter how many items, and I’d still have to drive 20 min to pick it up, so might as well just… do my own shopping. (For reference, I live alone in a semi-rural area, so each trip is like $100)

    Now if I could get it delivered (same fee, but nobody has a service area that overlaps my address), that’d be a different story.

  • That’s totally fair; I’m also not really capable of doing something like that consistently (even tho I would absolutely love talking to smart people - my degree is science communication, so talking to smart people to learn about things and pass them along is easily my favorite thing), so I get it.

    That kinda makes me wonder if interviewing comedians would be funny… I’ve never really talked to any in person for the full impact, but some of them have that timing and wit that means any conversation can be funny. I certainly thought morning radio shows where they have guest comedians on sucked big time, but those are meant more for mass appeal, and they probably work for a lot of people or they wouldn’t have them on.

  • Have you ever listened to the podcast “ologies”? It’s a woman who interviews people who are -ologists (proctologist, ornithologist, geologist, etc., as well as some non-ologist specialties that nonetheless fit the theme)

    Maybe something like that would work for you :) then you aren’t stuck with a single topic, you don’t have to do it alone, and you don’t have to find one person to commit to it, it could be several. Just come up with good questions and have a semi-formal chat. It’s a very enjoyable model for learning new things you didn’t know you wanted to know about.


  • Street dealing is desperation, a symptom, almost always socially inflicted.

    If telegram is keeping the streets clean, that says a lot about the society in which it functions.


    (Every country has its own illicit market, it’s just where that takes place and what is restricted that matters… no legislation is ever going to rid the illicit market. Ever. It exists for a reason, whatever reason. Just make the majority of it (self-harm drugs and the like) legal and the illegal rings for other stuff are a lot easier to spot. Those will be the things that should be illegal, not drugs which primarily harm adults able to consent to doing them. Let’s do the Portugal method of decrim and social support. Even if it isn’t perfect, it’s good.)