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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Certainly true for a lot of use cases, but not all. Many folks, like my father, only need access to a web browser anymore. Got him in Linux Mint well over a year ago, and neither he nor I have had to touch the terminal.

    For him, Linux is easy, Linux removed the problems Windows caused, troubleshooting has not been needed.

    Linux can be all the things you said, but trying to over play the complexity of the learning curve can also be disingenuous and scare away new users.

  • Piggybacking on to this excellent comment to elaborate on modding New Vegas. Everything except NVR works great! I’d recommend using this to install MO2

    4GB patcher has a Linux specific version on the Nexus Mods page.

    You can run most tools like the BSA decompressor or the TTW installer using Protontricks.

    xLODGen can be added as a tool to MO2 and just works.

    edit: Forgot to mention, Wabbajack doesn’t work. Best just to run it on a Windows VM and move the files. Also, the current working version of MO2 doesn’t support Root builder. So just move any files that need to be in the game folder directly to the game folder.

  • I like Bethesda, and obviously they do have very vocal detractors. Though you might want to pull back on the overly zealous defense of Bethesda, as you are kind of just being the opposite side of the Bethesda hate coin.

    Plus, it’s not really fair to say Fallout would have been dead and mostly forgotten if Bethesda hadn’t picked it up. It was a popular enough series that Bethesda went into a bidding war to get it. And Troika games, a studio started by Tim Cain, Leonard Boyarsky, and Jason Anderson (the original creators of Fallout), also tried to buy the rights to the series but were outbid. If not but for Bethesda’s big wallet, it’s very possible we could have seen the rise of a very different Fallout with the original creators at the helm. Which a part of me will always be sad we didn’t get to see. Still, I can cry myself to sleep on my copy of New Vegas, so at least we got two fun Bethesda games and one of the greatest RPGs of all time out of Bethesda’s purchase.

    Also, if we are going to shit on BoS, then it’s only fair to say that Bethesda’s handling of the franchise has also gotten worse overtime. It’s not like 76 is a shining example of quality. (To be fair, I actually enjoyed both BoS and 76, as I’m a bit of a Fallout shill, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be objective about the problems of the series.)

  • Anyways, I think people view fallout 1 and 2 with rose tinted glasses, I tried playing them after I became a fan of 3 and nv. And it was a slog playing the old ones, I didn’t get far.

    I also got into the series via FO3, and had a similar experience when I tried to play the first one shortly after completing 3. I couldn’t get past the dated gameplay and thought the hype must just be nostalgia. But the recent TV show inspired me to take another swing at the originals (being the only Fallout’s I didn’t play to death), and I actually am now of the opposite opinion.

    Make no mistake, the game play feels clunky and dated even for '98 standards. And as such playing it can be a bit of a slog, especially the first couple hours. But the world building and quest design are honestly still better than 90% of modern games. I love Bethesda’s games, but the stark difference in quality regarding these two aspects can’t be overstated.

    After running through both 1 and 2, I can fully see why fans of the originals seem to often feel like Bethesda’s entries failed to deliver on what long time fans came to know and love the series for. I will always love the Bethesda games, but it really isn’t just rose tinted glasses, there was some magic in the originals.

  • I don’t see anything that they said about TikTok or ByteDance

    Smfh, so then you didn’t read what they said, since they specifically said:

    I acknowledge that TikTok is a problem.

    And given that Whataboutism is a tactic to discredit the severity of an accusation by pointing to similar or worse behaviors by others, this not only isn’t “textbook Whataboutism”, it’s not Whataboutism at all. Their point was that the scope of the issue exceeds TikTok, and as such, attempts to solve the issue by focusing on TikTok are either misguided or of suspect intent.

    In no way did they try to make the point that what TikTok does is okay, nor did they claim that TikTok wasn’t censoring content. I’d accuse you of trying to strawman their argument, but you just flat made up a different argument and pretended that was theirs instead.

    They are saying the forest is on fire, and you are accusing them of Whataboutism because they aren’t focusing on your favorite tree.

  • Its the most simple handheld gaming PC by far. As with all unfamiliar systems, there is a learning curve that exists, and person to person the difficulties in this will vary. But at a base level, out of the box, the SteamDeck is almost as simple to grasp as something like a Switch (or any other console). If you just want to game, and just want it to work, SteamDeck is your best choice.

    Full disclosure though, the deeper you choose to dig into advanced use, the more complicated this question becomes. If you are more familiar with Windows, then using the desktop on a Windows handheld will naturally make more sense at first. But if you are comfortable with Linux (or put in the time to learn), the SteamDeck is far easier to use fully handled than it’s competition thanks to easy to remap on the fly controls and the track pads. But again, this second “advanced usage” point is moot if you just want to buy games from Steam and have them work out of the box.