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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Lol, yes I do know that. I’ve spent quite a few US dollars on drugs myself.

    I really was just joking. I’m not judgemental about privacy, drugs, or most things really. I also realize that ALL money is fake money that only has value because we have agreed that it does. If the topic had been short term rentals instead of crypto, I’d have made an “illegal hotel chain” joke instead.

    Also, If I offended you I’m sorry. I hope you have a good night (or day if you live far away from me).

  • “Fake money for drug dealers” is just a general crypto joke from a meme I saw here on lemmy. It just so happens that the flavor of fake money that you fell in love with actually is for drug dealers.

    You’ve got me curious now though. It’s apparently important to you to keep the details of your grocery purchase completely private and that’s totally fine if it makes you happy. I don’t need to understand it to accept it. What I want to know is how far do you go to protect that privacy? Do you give Instacart your neighbor’s address? Do you use a fake name?

  • Which is higher 20000 or 28000? The trailer isn’t really relevant since spreading the weight over additional axels makes it significantly less likely to damage roads.

    Speaking of which, Texas roads have a single axel weight limit of 20000 lbs and a tandem axel limit of 32000 lbs. Under normal operation, a semi should be fine. A Maxpro can potentially reach the the tandem axel limit on its own and could put it’s full weight on a single axle if it his a speed bump going too fast.

    Also, many rural roads and smaller bridges won’t accommodate a full size semi with or without a trailer. They certainly couldn’t handle the even heavier Maxpro.

  • It’s so heavy that it destroys most rural roads, can’t be driven across most bridges, and it’s too big to maneuver safely in most urban areas. The department, aka the taxpayers, still have to foot the bill for gas, repairs, and maintenance as well as refitting it for police use. They can cost up to $70000 to refit which is already pretty damn close to the price of a fully loaded Tahoe. The department is also responsible for the cost of shipping the MRAP which can cost up to $150000 to airlift depending on the model.

    There is literally no benefit to the police having these unless they regularly deal with land mines in their jurisdiction.