Exploring diverse perspectives on contentious subjects.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I used to agree with you and still do in a way since I have quite negative attitude towards fat people. However I now realize that while calories in - calories out applies to everyone we’re still different especially in the way we experience hunger.

    I’m thin and fit myself but I eat like shit. What differentiates me from fat people however is that I only eat about 3000kcal of shit and then I’m full and it may take quite a while before I eat again but I also go to gym and mountain biking and stuff so I use all the calories too instead of storing them as fat. I also sometimes simply just skip dinner altogether because I don’t feel like eating. I’m just lucky that I can still function just fine even with an empty stomach and I don’t experience aggressive sense of hunger like some other people do. Also I hate cooking and eating. Takes too much time.

    My theory for why this is is that my body is just better at switching from carbonhydrates to burning fat (converting it into glucose) and thus I don’t experience the drop in blood sugar levels the way some other people do to whom it takes a while for this process to kick in so they crash hard after all the carbs are used up.

  • I’m having some trouble understanding what exactly is the confusion here. If the sea level rises it’s not like people will just keep living underwater. They have to move somewhere else. Entire cities and towns has to be relocated elsewhere. Besides building massive sea walls there’s just no other option. This in no way implies it’s not going to absolutely suck for the people living there. Ofcourse it does.

    What exactly is it that Ben is wrong about here? This is really confusing to me

  • What exactly is bullocks about it?

    The sea level doesn’t just rise one day. It’s a slow process that’ll happen over decades. Many of the people living in those houses now probably want to sell in the near future while they still can. They might not get back what they paid but in 5 years you’re not going to get even that so better cut your losses. At some point the coastline gets so close that those houses will just be abandoned, demolished and people will have moved further inland.