Wow, now that’s an argument. The woke virus… Are you a conspirationist?
Wow, now that’s an argument. The woke virus… Are you a conspirationist?
Except for kids films, anime etc. I’d prefer subtitled originals. And don’t get me started on keeping costs down by not taking sound when shooting at all and just dub it.
If illiteracy is a problem then dubbing isn’t the answer, IMO.
Oh no only 99.7% of immigrants come here to work! Let’s kick them all out!
Shouldn’t we kick out any people if they don’t want to work with that logic? I hope you’re having a job!
Maybe because Reddit sees Lemmy as a concurrent.
My man, if you knew how much of the economy was based on immigrant work you’d tout another tune.
Every time people try to blame immigrants for problems they don’t cause they get downvoted.
Fixed that for you.
Well of course.
2400€/m (gov clearance needed) for static IP address.
Hey thank you! I re-checked out PVwatts (the link was used ☺️I probably avoided it because you have to put your address in, I don’t want calls etc. Turns out the city is enough) it’s exactly what I needed, thanks!
I have worked in France for 20+ years, and I still have to take that stupid test. It’s expensive and bureaucratic too, guess it’s not only ti test your language skills.
IIRC it’s only valid a certain number of months too, explain that!
I got my instance, but I’m not really sure how to handle it if people started living on it :-)
It’s all my hardware on a gigabit fiber link. Any advice greatly appreciated.
Based on norway is bad already, it must be worse.
Jk hello from a Swede 😁
Thank you for your concern, I surre will not do anything crazy without knowing what I’m doing :-)
Thanks for the input, but I yet have to find a calculator that shows how much you generate per month and not only oer year!
Thanks again for all the information!
Yeah, going off grid is a whole philosophical idea in itself, way smarter to share with the grid if you’re not in some very specific situation IMO.
I always thought that those calculations about solar was a bit bogus, like you extrapolate the earnings today over say 12 years to pay off an installation, of course it will get cheaper in the future and as more people have solar, revenu goes down too. Seems you solidify that idea!
Today though it starts to be almost a criminally good investment… Living in an appartment I seriously think I might get one of those balcony panels this year, just gotta check out how it actually works when ju inject that into the system. We redid all the electricity so we have separate lines for about everything, will the sun powered line hop over to another one (they are after all all tied together at the central input) and how many amps can you allow to flow “backwards” like that and so on.
At old age meat eaters have more muscle mass (left), and that’s a big deal too.
Don’t go extremist over some obscure paper is all I’m saying. We should all eat less meat BTW especially red.
Trans females!
Yes totally, but I still kind of expected tries.
A Vibrator.