Camera controls or the lack of them? Ff7/8/9 had a fixed camera everywhere but the world map.
Camera controls or the lack of them? Ff7/8/9 had a fixed camera everywhere but the world map.
You know it’s not the same person posting every time
Some people have moved passed thinking about it. Others have just started. Its a growing sentiment and more people are starting to feel it.
At the top of every reddit “What movie should never be remade?” thread is the LOTR trilogy. Well… I totally agree the movies are great, but not quite timeless. When I rewatched them a couple years ago for the first time in a long time I couldn’t get over the feeling that it screamed “Filmed and directed in the late 90s and early 00s!” I don’t have the film knowledge to point out exactly what it is but something about the way it is shot looks very dated to me and hasn’t aged as well, in my opinion, as everyone on the internet says it is.
I really do love the music and the art style and sets and casting too. Maybe it doesn’t need a reshoot, but a recut?
Not just Buddhist but a sect generally considered a cult.